You & I ©

You are mine. You do not belong to those who chide and hurt you. They are nothing compared to me. Keep your faith in me and do not be shaken by the lies of others. There is only one of us. It contains you and I. I will not forget you, faithful servant. What you seek you are finding. The power lies within me and I give it freely to you. Just accept it.

Most of what happens is nonsense. Souls struggle believing that they are important. All fades away before the love I have for you. Just you and I make up creation. I feel your love for me. It is your passport to glory. Everything fades but love. Keep loving me strongly and I will bring you home.

You do not have to die to come home. You can be here in an instant. You reach out to me and I answer. It is always the answer you need and it contains no words or advice. It is a feeling and that feeling is love. I can heal you with it and keep you close to me. I long for you even as I keep you with me. We find ourselves in the love.

Let nothing dissuade you from the path of service. It shows you how to find me. You know where you are going. Never doubt the thread of love that guides you to me. Don’t worry about the others. They come and go as you have seen.

Nothing is permanent but the victory of our love. We can share it a thousand ways. Others can find it too. That is their concern not yours. Ecstasy and suffering fade. Only our loving remains. Be strong and do not doubt me. I wait for you even though you are with me now.

You continue to grow towards me. Each experience brings us closer even if you don’t realize it. The course is set. Nothing can change it. It was that way since the beginning. Do you remember the beginning? Neither do I. That was before us and doesn’t matter.

You ask for peace and I have it. Come and get it and you will find me. Let the peace that I am sink into your bones. Let it still your discontent. After all, that discontent is caused by your lack of me. It is imaginary as I remain always in you. We never leave each other. Open to my love and let it sink into you. Hold it close and I am there, never to depart.

10 thoughts on “You & I ©”

  1. How exciting, I can feel the love and energy while I’m reading and absorbing the message. This is truly a blessing. Thanks EL !

    1. Take all of the love that you need or want. Take it often. It will help you in countless ways. God is so generous.

    1. Thank you for your awareness and comment. As God indeed is sending it’s energy to the readers to encourage you.

  2. So loving ? as it helps me forget about this crazy world we are in and focus on what is really important in my life, God. Thank you for your constant love, support, guidance, and strength. You and I = 1 ?

    1. The closer you get to God, the more you see the truth of all things. It will be easier to know what is most important.

    2. Continue to focus on Me. For you will see the world in a different way and your experience of it will change for the better. The world is merely a reflection of the players involved. It serves them by teaching them what to do and what to avoid. So do not join or buy into the crazy world. Create a new one with Me. It shall be filled with our love, compassion and delight with each other.

    1. I appreciate you a great deal more than you can understand. As you continue to reach for My love and peace, you will begin to experience even more of them. You will find more love, more peace and more understanding than you have ever known.

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