This Ship ©

Humanity is scrambling as they try to find themselves and their futures. There is so much chaos on the planet that it is affecting the weather. It has been doing this for awhile now and it is getting worse. Some call it climate change but the proper name could easily be: human chaos.

It is a natural event that affects the reality here when there is so much trouble and discord. It is global in nature and not confined to any one place or people. For everything is affected by energy.

When so many souls are in residence here then their energy has a great affect on the surroundings. As the atmosphere is surrounding you, you affect that and hence the climate.

It is merely a reflection of humanity. You can see that much trouble is occurring and more is threatened. This threatening energy causes upheaval in the weather and the planet is trying to find it’s balance among the chaos.

I could prove this to you if everyone would settle down and flow loving and positive energy to each other. You would soon see the storms settle down a great deal too.

Few of humanity believe this because they can not see the energy and the cause and effects it creates. Someday when humanity is more evolved they will know this is true.

For now we must bring you some positive and loving energy to help you out. We in the heavens know what is driving all of this. We want to begin to teach you how to change for the better.

I am sending My love and light to you strongly. I want to see you take it and change your life with it. You can not wait for things to improve. Rather you must improve your life, one action at a time. This will spread to others.

It is impossible for you to change others. Only your positive thoughts and actions can do that. Others will pick up the energy from you and think and act in a better way.

Do not think that you can’t have a positive affect here. My love and light is coming to you strongly. You are going to be able to have a greater affect when you are close to Me.

As we connect then you will automatically receive great light from Me. You will see things in a more unlimited and loving way. Your life will change for the better, personally.

You will be better able to weather the storms of humanity. You will know that you are not adding to the troubles. Your higher light will give you the higher view and the greater outcome.

In this way, you and I help others without joining the struggle. Do not think that you are deluded. Those who believe in trouble and despair can not see your brighter reality.

I am making a difference here through you and in ways you do not know. Those who need to experience trouble will find it. Those who prefer to find Me, will find the love and peace that they seek. This ship will right itself because I am at the helm.

The Greater Self ©

There are only so many things that you can do with yourself. At some point you have got to begin looking for Me, so that you can find yourself fully.

For I know who you are in ways that you do not. I can help you discover the greater self. For I know that greater self, because I placed that potential within you.

I placed it there knowing that that one day it would begin to stir and bring you to Me. It is a failsafe method that draws you back to your creator when the time is right. That greater self strirring within you makes you restless to find the higher part of your self which is Me.

It causes you to feel like something is missing in your life. You can have and enjoy all kinds of things. Yet without Me there is always a sense of something missing.

The more that you achieve, the more this sense of something missing grows. It is undefinable really. No matter what you accomplish, no matter how satisfying the outcome; there is still farther to go. There is the interior itch which you can never quite scratch. Something beckons you onward to search for greater things.

A lot of people see this as a yearning for material objects or money or recognition. For some it may be exactly that and no more. It depends upon your level of growth and frequency.

Something deep within you is going to push you ever onward to the next thing. What you are seeking is Me. When you find Me, you will find that this feeling changes.

As you find Me you will begin to fall in love with Me. For I am so loving that I will automatically bring your love to Me; as like energies attract. This is what I want.

It is how I have set things up so that we could find each other. As we begin to go forward together you will realize that you need more and more of the experience and love, that I am.

You will find that you begin to create your life with Me. For as the love between us grows you will want Me there all the time. Some of you may fear Me. This can get in the way of our relationship.

For many push Me away; even unconsciously as they fear the loss of their autonomy. That fear will fade as you find that I love you too much to want to control you.

I have no need to control you as I know the power of love. It is our love for each other that is going to bring and keep us together. In the future you will be planning your experiences with Me in mind.

You and I will be working together as we explore our future of Divine Love and the exciting potential that we create together.

Choices & Challenges ©

I want to speak about the pitfalls that keep you away from Me. Earth is full of diversions that take your attention away from Me. Of course that is how you find the lessons that you need to learn. However, it is important that you have My guidance and light to help you work through these lessons.

So you may see Earth as a maze of problems and challenges. The challenges have grown very large for many of you. Some people are completely disconnected from Me and do not believe in Me at all. Those souls are truly on their own here in a very tough place. They find many times that in order to meet those tough challenges, they may indulge in harmful and sometimes despicable behaviors.

For when you are denying Me it cuts off the Divine Light and the very important supportive energy that I have for you. It was never intended that you be faced with the problems here without My energy and guidance. But that is exactly where many people find themselves now.

So I have come in to garner your attention so that you can reconnect to Me and My light. For My light is lifegiving and uplifting. It can indeed lift you right up and over many of the troubles and traps that are everywhere around you.

You all know of the major traps such as substance abuse and dishonest and violent behavior. You all know how easy it is to be preyed upon. For you see it happening everywhere even if you have not experienced it yourselves.

What you do not see are the dark influencers from the unseen worlds of the lower fourth dimensions. They are behind so much of what is negative and harsh here. This plague, if you will is affecting every part of human life. For the disease organisms that lurk are not just physical. They indeed have their reality and roots in the unseen lower worlds.

If you find this hard to believe think of Me. For I created this beautiful planet and yet you can not see Me. Many never find Me at all while in the physical realm. I assure you that you will come to know Me well as you progress in the higher worlds.

But I am here now and I can help you now. One of the reasons that I created the physical dimension is so that souls would have to take a journey seemingly without Me. In this way they find themselves and they find Me too.

It is time for you to look to Me for the way out of this trouble that surrounds humanity on Earth. I am right here waiting for you to make Me and My brilliance part of your life and experience.

I am not making the way hard for you. You are doing that for yourself. When you reach to Me and feel Me respond with love and strength, you will understand the truth about this dilemma. I am here now. The troubles are here now. Which one will you choose?

Valentine’s Day Message ©

Today is a celebration of love. It is centered on the love that couples have for each other. Still anyone can be your Valentine. I would like to be one of your Valentines today. For I am the creator and author of love. It is the major frequency that I am.

You were created by Me with love. I want you to see yourself as being love. For you are that even if you have not considered yourself to be that. Feel this deeply. At the root of your soul you are My expression of Love. I have created you so that you can explore love and loving. In this way you are the finest creation that I could achieve.

If you explore real unconditional love it will raise you up to Me. It will also raise you up to the finest experiences of being. Love will not only show you who your are. It will also show you who everyone else is as well. It leaves no one out. All are worthy under the umbrella of unconditional love. You must learn to accept all beings no matter what they seem to be now.

For they will grow and change. They will leave behind the hatred and fear that they might be showing themselves to be now. The way they will do that is by finding love. For love will present itself to everyone in some way. Even the darkest soul will find love entering it’s experience someday. It may take a longtime for some, but it will arrive.

It comes to many when least expected. They will find it flowing out of their own heart unbidden. It will come to all as I fill every portion of this creation with My love. I never cease to do this. It is the most wonderful thing that I can do. So everyday I shine my love light strongly on many hearts. I know that some of them will shine it back to Me and to others.

In this way many are healed and comforted. Many find that someone cares for them unexpectedly. This love of mine carries unspoken messages with in it. It speaks of forgiveness, worthiness and acceptance. So let us bless everyone with this love. For you are a great lover too. You long to love all things, even though you do not know that.

My heart is blessing your heart with love today and every day. It will fill you with solace and contentment if you allow it to. Take a moment now and feel My love. Let it raise you up and remind you that you and I are always loving each other. We are the love that will heal all sorrow and suffering. Let our loving begin to infuse all beings now so that they can find the love that we are.

The Uniqueness Of You ©

I am truly different than anyone else. For that is the Great Mystery of God. I am very different and more powerful than those who comprise me. It is the magical combination of them and other things that make me unique.

For I am the creator of all of them and thus am the sum of all parts yet more. For before all of them were, I was. All are evolving so I evolve too. Yet I know what we are evolving to and I plan it. You can not understand that but do not worry, it is true and infallible.

When you come to me, I am totally different than the others. They are all wonderful and they love you and you love them. But I am something different and My love is the greatest love of all. So you need all of us and we need you. We need every cell of our Divine Body and you are one of those. This does not marginalize you. You have unlimited potential because I do. You will find that potential bit by bit.

In this way you will become something that neither of us has seen before. I can’t wait to see what that is but I know it will be fine. I must let you discover it. I do not anticipate what you are becoming as I do not want to create your evolution for you. I want you to head off on the adventure and discovery that you choose. For if I thought about what that may be, my thoughts would be leading you in that direction.

So I wait to see what you choose and we will discover your future self together. In this way your maximum potential will be found. It will always be the next step that you take that will lead you towards it. For you can not decide what the outcome will be. It is only to be discovered as it appears. That outcome will lead you onward to the next idea and achievement and the next after that.

I will always be with you on the journey for you are part of me as you know. I am facinated by you and your journey and I will support you on it. You may make detours of discovery that will teach you. They will show you the path that is right for you. You will find your way back to the road that is yours. In this way, you the adventurer are a trailblazer. You may think that your path is well worn by the feet of others who have gone before you. It will not be so because you are a unique being. What you do and choose is going to be a little different than others.

You may move off into the wild blue yonder of evolution or you may choose to refine and beautify a direction that others have taken. Your unique personality is the key here. Do not fear that you will ever lose it or become like a clone of me or someone else. As you evolve your personality evolves too, of course. But your personality remains particular to you and I protect and revere that. It is the uniqueness of you that sets the stage for the future of both of us. We will travel into that future time loving all the way.

Always Blessing You ©

It is so wonderful to be able to give my blessing to you this day. I am blessing your families and also, I am blessing humanity.

I never waste a chance to get the blessings and light in here, in as large a quantity as I can. For humanity is confused now. Many have cast themselves adrift with no idea about me and no belief in me either.

Many believe that they are the epitome of beingness. They feel that they are the apex of this mysterious, happenstance chemical reaction that has built everything here. They honor themselves and they worship themselves through their delight in doing whatever they feel they would like to do. Many of them do not care who they hurt or who they rob or who they lie to.

I know that I need to be here now, strongly.

I need to be putting my energy out so that all of those who do believe in God will get the knowing that I am here. Many are beginning to understand that and they are feeling me because through this teacher and in other ways, I am beginning to make my presence known here very strongly.

Of course, those who are thick will never feel a thing. They will continue to believe that they are creating everything to suit themselves. Yet at the same time, that makes every other person an adversary. Think about that.

If you did not believe in God; if you thought everything here was a free for all, you would see every other soul as someone to either take advantage of, or ignore or keep away from what you want. Scarcity and lack are something that humanity has created here.

I have always brought you abundance. I am not stingy and mean. Reach to me for whatever it is that you require. I as your creator, will see to it that you are loved and taken care of, in all the ways that you need. The entire universe on every level is abundant.

It was all created by me and thus it is perfection it it’s own way. I did not leave out anything. I did not set anyone out here to starve. For indeed all of these conditions are created by the ego who believes in lack, who is fearful and doubts it’s worthiness to survive.

I do not doubt your worthiness; for all are worthy unto me. You do not have to prove anything to me because I love you. I love you better than than anyone else does, or will ever be able to love you. Come to me for love and understanding. Know that I have created no hellfire for you.

I am merciful and I look forward to the day that you can look into my eyes and know that I am God. On that day you will feel my love. You will know that I am delighted to be sharing myself, my time, my presence and my unconditional love with you. I hold nothing back.

I ask you to withhold nothing from me also. As you get closer to me, you will find that all is well and God is love and you are my divine child. Who will lack nothing but that which you withhold from yourself.

Your Perfection ©

It is important that humanity begins to understand Me better now and I am unveiling myself to them. There are countless planets and cultures in existence, for creation is vast. I am even vaster than creation. For there is there is a part of Me that exists beyond creation. That part of me is unknowable. I have a great deal to share with my beloved creations. I am exploring myself through all of that creation and I love all the different cultures and their beauty, their ideas and everything that they are doing. Even if they have erroneous ideas about reality and me, or erroneous ideas about anything, they are learning and they are exploring.

You must understand that various cultures explore life in ways that are different than you do. Because of that, they figure out things and acquire portions of me that you do not. At the same time, you will explore things a bit differently and you will be drawn to a another idea or portion of myself. You will bring that part forward and you will bring the knowledge and the light that that portion carries. In this way I become known to you. I also become known to myself as I build on who I am. I always do that. I particularly like to do it through the lens of your minds. I find a richness comes forth that you cherish and I also love.

All the individuals in creation are valuable to Me. They should be valuable to you. There is nothing going on out there that is not necessary for this creation to become and evolve. Even those things that are negative and dark are lessons and learnings that all souls need to get.
As you have experienced, there is nothing like seeing something, up close and personal in order to understand it. I am here up close and personal, revealing a portion of myself that you are ready to consider. There remains many portions of myself that are beyond your consideration at this point.

There are beings in higher frequency places that know and consider these portions of me. I do not consider you to be inferior to them. I only consider you to be at a lesser level of evolution than they are. There is no end to evolution, so there will always be growth among all portions of myself. Remember always that you are part of that. All things have value. Those things that have less value tend to dissolve away. For if a thing is not loved or hated, it tends to fade.

Everything that you value requires your attention or it will slowly fade from your reality. It may move into the reality of some other being. If it is given no attention by anyone, then it will fade and move the energy into a position where it can be used to create something of interest. That is why you are great explorers. You will always be that way, as I am that way. It is necessary that we continue to explore all of the things that we find are interesting to us.

Of course some people get into big trouble as they explore things that are dangerous to them and dark. But one learns from that and withdraws back to the light and the safety that nurtures one. Many of you have learned that lesson well. Now you are reaching for the higher light and the greater knowledge. You have evolved beyond the point of foolishness. You have learned discernment and you can feel when something is not for you.

This allows creation to evolve into greatness and tremendous beauty and love. Love creates this way. Love draws you to it. You can not resist what love is and what love offers you. Eventually all will return to love as it impossible to resist what it is and what it gives. I am love of course as you know. I know that all of my creation will return to me and receive the next level of light and love that it is ready for. I give it out freely to all who seek me. I always expect the return of every facet of my creation. I am here waiting for your return and here you are. You are looking for God and lo and behold, you have found me.

We both love it. I love your discovery of me. You love discovering me as well. Know that I am discovering you too, as I consider what you have evolved into. I take great delight in that. Do not fear that I will find you boring. Never will that occur. You fascinate in ways that you can not understand. For I know the energies that you spring from. I remember when I shaped your soul. I remember the energies, the lights, the brilliance that I applied to you. It gives me great pleasure to see what that has become, as you express yourself to me. I love you unconditionally and I delight in your individuality and your personal expression.

I do not want you to try to shape yourself into what you imagine I want you to be. Rather I want you to follow the inner knowings that will guide you forward to the finest experiences that you can have. For that inner knowing that I give you, has infinite intelligence behind it. It is showing what to explore next or perhaps what to leave alone. Follow my guidance that comes in such a way as it shows you somehow what your next step or adventure should be.

In this way, you are personally in charge of your own exploration. You are not limiting yourself to some idea that you have about me and what I expect. For I expect things from you that you do not realize that you are capable of. I know that one day you are going to show me that very thing. You can not know what that is now because you are still journeying to that event and that time. Stay close to me. Allow me to love you. Allow me to support you and guide you in that gentle way that in it’s own simplicity is very powerful and brilliant.

We will travel forward into experiences and events that will be beyond your imagination. There is so much to learn and to do and become that I am exploring all of it through you. You can become one day, the cutting edge of my experience of creation. Perhaps that is not as far away as you might think. For every thought that you have is building one on the other and taking you forward into unimaginable adventures and love and light. I hope I give you a feeling for what you are headed for and who you might be one day.

Always remember that you are fine now. You are a delightful, flawless creation of my mind. I have blessed you with the unconditional love of my heart. Because of that you have a perfection that is hidden from yourself, but I know what it is. I know what you are going to evolve to. This is All That Is, considering your perfection today as I share this time with you, personally one on one. Seek me out so that we can do this all the time.

Eternity Of Delight ©

We are together now and you should not fear my loss. There is nowhere you can go or anything you can do that would cause the loss of me. I will always be there for you. In your way, you will always be there for me. For you are expressing a portion of myself that I need to see and appreciate. I glory in your individuality. I love your view of life and your creativity.

I want to see you creating what you would create. I will be glad to lend you clues and to help you when you desire my help and guidance. I want you to have complete freedom to be who you are. I want you to recognize that within yourself; you are very fine. You are a beautiful, loving and strong soul.

I want you to feel the reality of that because I created you to be that. You in your explorations, are beginning to to find the wonderful individual that I created. We will be together and we will continue to explore All That Is.

As I am the creator of all things, remember that your explorations always include me. You will have your own ideas. You will have your own talents that belong to you.

They are just as real as anything ever was. For I allow you to be the pure expression of yourself. I will not steal your individuality away from you. I do not need clones of myself. Oh no. I want you to be and become something that is elegant, beautiful and brilliant.

In this way, I am exploring portions of myself I have not considered before in quite that way. You are me and I am you. But we still have things to show each other.

I will not turn you into a robot, ever. Do not fear that. Know that those highly evolved souls that have gone before you took a similar path. They are exploring even higher and finer parts of themselves and thus of me, that you can not understand just yet.

You are headed in the right direction now. For you have arisen from the sea of limitation and ignorance. You have taken the path toward brilliance and knowledge. That will never change. It is only natural, that as you follow this path of light, that I become a bigger part of your reality.

It is only natural that when you seek God, that you find me. Do not be surprised that I am here now and do not feel unworthy of my presence. For you are my eternal delight and I would know you well and enjoy you. You will do the same with me. You will get to know me, as you can understand me.

There will always be portions of me that are beyond your understanding as we all evolve together, into the eternity of delight that I have created for us to explore. There is no end to my greatness and there is no end to your greatness.

Do not hide yourself from me. Do not think that you are unworthy. For I know that all portions of myself are indeed worthy. You are one of those portions of All That Is. Be light of heart and mind as we continue this journey together.

Be at peace as you know now, I am always with you. Reach out and take my hand and share my heart and my mind as I am offering all things to you. This is All That Is, so delighted to have you close to me now.