Your Perfection ©

It is important that humanity begins to understand Me better now and I am unveiling myself to them. There are countless planets and cultures in existence, for creation is vast. I am even vaster than creation. For there is there is a part of Me that exists beyond creation. That part of me is unknowable. I have a great deal to share with my beloved creations. I am exploring myself through all of that creation and I love all the different cultures and their beauty, their ideas and everything that they are doing. Even if they have erroneous ideas about reality and me, or erroneous ideas about anything, they are learning and they are exploring.

You must understand that various cultures explore life in ways that are different than you do. Because of that, they figure out things and acquire portions of me that you do not. At the same time, you will explore things a bit differently and you will be drawn to a another idea or portion of myself. You will bring that part forward and you will bring the knowledge and the light that that portion carries. In this way I become known to you. I also become known to myself as I build on who I am. I always do that. I particularly like to do it through the lens of your minds. I find a richness comes forth that you cherish and I also love.

All the individuals in creation are valuable to Me. They should be valuable to you. There is nothing going on out there that is not necessary for this creation to become and evolve. Even those things that are negative and dark are lessons and learnings that all souls need to get.
As you have experienced, there is nothing like seeing something, up close and personal in order to understand it. I am here up close and personal, revealing a portion of myself that you are ready to consider. There remains many portions of myself that are beyond your consideration at this point.

There are beings in higher frequency places that know and consider these portions of me. I do not consider you to be inferior to them. I only consider you to be at a lesser level of evolution than they are. There is no end to evolution, so there will always be growth among all portions of myself. Remember always that you are part of that. All things have value. Those things that have less value tend to dissolve away. For if a thing is not loved or hated, it tends to fade.

Everything that you value requires your attention or it will slowly fade from your reality. It may move into the reality of some other being. If it is given no attention by anyone, then it will fade and move the energy into a position where it can be used to create something of interest. That is why you are great explorers. You will always be that way, as I am that way. It is necessary that we continue to explore all of the things that we find are interesting to us.

Of course some people get into big trouble as they explore things that are dangerous to them and dark. But one learns from that and withdraws back to the light and the safety that nurtures one. Many of you have learned that lesson well. Now you are reaching for the higher light and the greater knowledge. You have evolved beyond the point of foolishness. You have learned discernment and you can feel when something is not for you.

This allows creation to evolve into greatness and tremendous beauty and love. Love creates this way. Love draws you to it. You can not resist what love is and what love offers you. Eventually all will return to love as it impossible to resist what it is and what it gives. I am love of course as you know. I know that all of my creation will return to me and receive the next level of light and love that it is ready for. I give it out freely to all who seek me. I always expect the return of every facet of my creation. I am here waiting for your return and here you are. You are looking for God and lo and behold, you have found me.

We both love it. I love your discovery of me. You love discovering me as well. Know that I am discovering you too, as I consider what you have evolved into. I take great delight in that. Do not fear that I will find you boring. Never will that occur. You fascinate in ways that you can not understand. For I know the energies that you spring from. I remember when I shaped your soul. I remember the energies, the lights, the brilliance that I applied to you. It gives me great pleasure to see what that has become, as you express yourself to me. I love you unconditionally and I delight in your individuality and your personal expression.

I do not want you to try to shape yourself into what you imagine I want you to be. Rather I want you to follow the inner knowings that will guide you forward to the finest experiences that you can have. For that inner knowing that I give you, has infinite intelligence behind it. It is showing what to explore next or perhaps what to leave alone. Follow my guidance that comes in such a way as it shows you somehow what your next step or adventure should be.

In this way, you are personally in charge of your own exploration. You are not limiting yourself to some idea that you have about me and what I expect. For I expect things from you that you do not realize that you are capable of. I know that one day you are going to show me that very thing. You can not know what that is now because you are still journeying to that event and that time. Stay close to me. Allow me to love you. Allow me to support you and guide you in that gentle way that in it’s own simplicity is very powerful and brilliant.

We will travel forward into experiences and events that will be beyond your imagination. There is so much to learn and to do and become that I am exploring all of it through you. You can become one day, the cutting edge of my experience of creation. Perhaps that is not as far away as you might think. For every thought that you have is building one on the other and taking you forward into unimaginable adventures and love and light. I hope I give you a feeling for what you are headed for and who you might be one day.

Always remember that you are fine now. You are a delightful, flawless creation of my mind. I have blessed you with the unconditional love of my heart. Because of that you have a perfection that is hidden from yourself, but I know what it is. I know what you are going to evolve to. This is All That Is, considering your perfection today as I share this time with you, personally one on one. Seek me out so that we can do this all the time.

6 thoughts on “Your Perfection ©”

  1. Thank you, El, for letting us know more about ourselves and the universe as well. It is definitely an eye opener and makes perfect sense. Much love!!

    1. Humanity must begin to see the perfection that is within them. Concentrate on finding that and being that. Then you will find Me. The potential that you have is unrealized. Yet it waits for you as I do also.

    1. You need inspiration now more than ever. Inspiration will take you to those next steps that you wisely move toward. Ignore the obstacles and forge onward toward God’s plan for you. For the obstacles are tests that teach you to find your power.

  2. It is encouraging to know I’m evolving in your universe with you, The obstacles seem to fall by the wayside and I am finding my way with a strength from your presence from within and in my Auric field. Thank you EL!!

    1. Whenever you meditate on Me you will receive my light, grace, love and strength. All these things do help you overcome obstacles as you see things in a more unlimited way. You also find that you have the energy and knowledge to move beyond the situations that challenged you in the past.

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