Always Blessing You ©

It is so wonderful to be able to give my blessing to you this day. I am blessing your families and also, I am blessing humanity.

I never waste a chance to get the blessings and light in here, in as large a quantity as I can. For humanity is confused now. Many have cast themselves adrift with no idea about me and no belief in me either.

Many believe that they are the epitome of beingness. They feel that they are the apex of this mysterious, happenstance chemical reaction that has built everything here. They honor themselves and they worship themselves through their delight in doing whatever they feel they would like to do. Many of them do not care who they hurt or who they rob or who they lie to.

I know that I need to be here now, strongly.

I need to be putting my energy out so that all of those who do believe in God will get the knowing that I am here. Many are beginning to understand that and they are feeling me because through this teacher and in other ways, I am beginning to make my presence known here very strongly.

Of course, those who are thick will never feel a thing. They will continue to believe that they are creating everything to suit themselves. Yet at the same time, that makes every other person an adversary. Think about that.

If you did not believe in God; if you thought everything here was a free for all, you would see every other soul as someone to either take advantage of, or ignore or keep away from what you want. Scarcity and lack are something that humanity has created here.

I have always brought you abundance. I am not stingy and mean. Reach to me for whatever it is that you require. I as your creator, will see to it that you are loved and taken care of, in all the ways that you need. The entire universe on every level is abundant.

It was all created by me and thus it is perfection it it’s own way. I did not leave out anything. I did not set anyone out here to starve. For indeed all of these conditions are created by the ego who believes in lack, who is fearful and doubts it’s worthiness to survive.

I do not doubt your worthiness; for all are worthy unto me. You do not have to prove anything to me because I love you. I love you better than than anyone else does, or will ever be able to love you. Come to me for love and understanding. Know that I have created no hellfire for you.

I am merciful and I look forward to the day that you can look into my eyes and know that I am God. On that day you will feel my love. You will know that I am delighted to be sharing myself, my time, my presence and my unconditional love with you. I hold nothing back.

I ask you to withhold nothing from me also. As you get closer to me, you will find that all is well and God is love and you are my divine child. Who will lack nothing but that which you withhold from yourself.

3 thoughts on “Always Blessing You ©”

  1. It is so wonderful to receive your blessing. My confidence to open my mind and my heart to your wisdom grows as I absorb your presence through your messages. Thank You God!!

  2. It is so wonderful to receive your blessing. My confidence to open my mind and my heart to your wisdom grows as I feel your presence through your messages. Thank You God!!

    1. Know that I am always ready to share My wisdom with you. Your confidence in yourself will grow as you become closer to Me and My wisdom.

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