The Uniqueness Of You ©

I am truly different than anyone else. For that is the Great Mystery of God. I am very different and more powerful than those who comprise me. It is the magical combination of them and other things that make me unique.

For I am the creator of all of them and thus am the sum of all parts yet more. For before all of them were, I was. All are evolving so I evolve too. Yet I know what we are evolving to and I plan it. You can not understand that but do not worry, it is true and infallible.

When you come to me, I am totally different than the others. They are all wonderful and they love you and you love them. But I am something different and My love is the greatest love of all. So you need all of us and we need you. We need every cell of our Divine Body and you are one of those. This does not marginalize you. You have unlimited potential because I do. You will find that potential bit by bit.

In this way you will become something that neither of us has seen before. I can’t wait to see what that is but I know it will be fine. I must let you discover it. I do not anticipate what you are becoming as I do not want to create your evolution for you. I want you to head off on the adventure and discovery that you choose. For if I thought about what that may be, my thoughts would be leading you in that direction.

So I wait to see what you choose and we will discover your future self together. In this way your maximum potential will be found. It will always be the next step that you take that will lead you towards it. For you can not decide what the outcome will be. It is only to be discovered as it appears. That outcome will lead you onward to the next idea and achievement and the next after that.

I will always be with you on the journey for you are part of me as you know. I am facinated by you and your journey and I will support you on it. You may make detours of discovery that will teach you. They will show you the path that is right for you. You will find your way back to the road that is yours. In this way, you the adventurer are a trailblazer. You may think that your path is well worn by the feet of others who have gone before you. It will not be so because you are a unique being. What you do and choose is going to be a little different than others.

You may move off into the wild blue yonder of evolution or you may choose to refine and beautify a direction that others have taken. Your unique personality is the key here. Do not fear that you will ever lose it or become like a clone of me or someone else. As you evolve your personality evolves too, of course. But your personality remains particular to you and I protect and revere that. It is the uniqueness of you that sets the stage for the future of both of us. We will travel into that future time loving all the way.

4 thoughts on “The Uniqueness Of You ©”

    1. I will teach you many things about Me and about you. You will find that you will understand others and the situations in your life better. Knowings will come to you when you are connected to Me. Reach out to Me regularly with your heart and mind. I await you and am holding nothing back. Build the connection and experience the unlimited love and knowledge that I have for you.

  1. I feel the comfort all around me knowing I’m not growing alone that you are right there sharing with me along the way!

    1. You and I are always together. Your position on the third dimension makes it easy for you to think you are alone. I am full of comfort and love and I withhold nothing. Reach to Me and you will find that I am with you.

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