The Greater Self ©

There are only so many things that you can do with yourself. At some point you have got to begin looking for Me, so that you can find yourself fully.

For I know who you are in ways that you do not. I can help you discover the greater self. For I know that greater self, because I placed that potential within you.

I placed it there knowing that that one day it would begin to stir and bring you to Me. It is a failsafe method that draws you back to your creator when the time is right. That greater self strirring within you makes you restless to find the higher part of your self which is Me.

It causes you to feel like something is missing in your life. You can have and enjoy all kinds of things. Yet without Me there is always a sense of something missing.

The more that you achieve, the more this sense of something missing grows. It is undefinable really. No matter what you accomplish, no matter how satisfying the outcome; there is still farther to go. There is the interior itch which you can never quite scratch. Something beckons you onward to search for greater things.

A lot of people see this as a yearning for material objects or money or recognition. For some it may be exactly that and no more. It depends upon your level of growth and frequency.

Something deep within you is going to push you ever onward to the next thing. What you are seeking is Me. When you find Me, you will find that this feeling changes.

As you find Me you will begin to fall in love with Me. For I am so loving that I will automatically bring your love to Me; as like energies attract. This is what I want.

It is how I have set things up so that we could find each other. As we begin to go forward together you will realize that you need more and more of the experience and love, that I am.

You will find that you begin to create your life with Me. For as the love between us grows you will want Me there all the time. Some of you may fear Me. This can get in the way of our relationship.

For many push Me away; even unconsciously as they fear the loss of their autonomy. That fear will fade as you find that I love you too much to want to control you.

I have no need to control you as I know the power of love. It is our love for each other that is going to bring and keep us together. In the future you will be planning your experiences with Me in mind.

You and I will be working together as we explore our future of Divine Love and the exciting potential that we create together.

7 thoughts on “The Greater Self ©”

  1. Thank you so much as this explains a lot of questions for myself. It is hard to describe and tell someone about this desire that you search for and you finally get/find it; the missing piece. Everyone is looking outside themselves for it and it is within them all along. Once it is found, you just can’t get enough of it. This desire makes you reach for more & more and you can’t get enough! You feel your life is not complete without it. You so want to share it with others but they look at you like you are a “religious freak” or have three heads! I know they in a different place in their lives and that is okay but once the spark ignites within their being, your whole life changes for the good.

    I am sending much love to you and thank you again for sharing this knowledge of the Greater Self.

    1. You have found Me and it shows. Every part of your life is going to be better and brighter and more fulfilling. I am delighted to be sharing this with you! Do not worry about the others. They will have their own experience of Me someday. Divine Love is yours now.

  2. I have experienced this. All my accomplishments were wonderful, but something was always missing. That was You. Many of us have a learned fear of God. I am working to move past this as I am getting to know You and feeling your love and acceptance of me. There is no other love and peace than with You. I look forward to an unlimited future with You. Thank you.

    1. As you continue to experience My love, you will find that it is beyond anything you could have imagined. It will never fade. There is nothing you can do that will cause Me to love you less. For I have loved you unconditionally since your creation. You will feel my love grow stronger. That is only because you will feel it in a stronger and more profound way as you evolve. For always My love for you has been you perfect and unlimited.

  3. Thank you, As I reflect back over my life and my personal understandings your words ring true. Its clear to me that you were with me the whole time. Now I know and feel you within myself and I AM with you. I love our relationship and take much comfort knowing I AM evolving with you! Thank You God!

  4. I have always been with you. In hindsight you can see how the activities of your life kept you from knowing I was there. Yet these activities lead you to search for Me. I am the answer for all troubles and suffering as I am full of comfort and wisdom. I am delighted with you!

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