This Ship ©

Humanity is scrambling as they try to find themselves and their futures. There is so much chaos on the planet that it is affecting the weather. It has been doing this for awhile now and it is getting worse. Some call it climate change but the proper name could easily be: human chaos.

It is a natural event that affects the reality here when there is so much trouble and discord. It is global in nature and not confined to any one place or people. For everything is affected by energy.

When so many souls are in residence here then their energy has a great affect on the surroundings. As the atmosphere is surrounding you, you affect that and hence the climate.

It is merely a reflection of humanity. You can see that much trouble is occurring and more is threatened. This threatening energy causes upheaval in the weather and the planet is trying to find it’s balance among the chaos.

I could prove this to you if everyone would settle down and flow loving and positive energy to each other. You would soon see the storms settle down a great deal too.

Few of humanity believe this because they can not see the energy and the cause and effects it creates. Someday when humanity is more evolved they will know this is true.

For now we must bring you some positive and loving energy to help you out. We in the heavens know what is driving all of this. We want to begin to teach you how to change for the better.

I am sending My love and light to you strongly. I want to see you take it and change your life with it. You can not wait for things to improve. Rather you must improve your life, one action at a time. This will spread to others.

It is impossible for you to change others. Only your positive thoughts and actions can do that. Others will pick up the energy from you and think and act in a better way.

Do not think that you can’t have a positive affect here. My love and light is coming to you strongly. You are going to be able to have a greater affect when you are close to Me.

As we connect then you will automatically receive great light from Me. You will see things in a more unlimited and loving way. Your life will change for the better, personally.

You will be better able to weather the storms of humanity. You will know that you are not adding to the troubles. Your higher light will give you the higher view and the greater outcome.

In this way, you and I help others without joining the struggle. Do not think that you are deluded. Those who believe in trouble and despair can not see your brighter reality.

I am making a difference here through you and in ways you do not know. Those who need to experience trouble will find it. Those who prefer to find Me, will find the love and peace that they seek. This ship will right itself because I am at the helm.

4 thoughts on “This Ship ©”

  1. It is very easy for me to believe this, because I can walk in a room and if people have been arguing or angry I can feel the tension in the room, even if they aren’t speaking at that moment, and I have not seen their faces, yet. And when I was young and would walk into my grandmother’s house, I could literally feel the love and peace envelop me. So it is easy to believe that all the energies of all the peoples together on Earth can affect the weather.

    Thank you for showing me ways to make a difference in my own life and family, and community, and as a member of humanity. I am so grateful that I was taught about you as a child by my grandmother, and that I have been led to this teacher who spreads your message of love and peace.

    1. Yes, those who are sensitive know about the energies and how they feel so different from each other. Those differences make large differences in the planetary systems.

      Your grandmother’s home was a blessed place because she had brought Me there with her light and love. You learned at a young age that you wanted to stay close to Me and now we are closer than ever. I am delighted to be so close to you!

  2. Yes certain places and people feel differently, small groups and even news about larger things around the country and the World bring strong negative feelings or loving caring feelings. Your message is reassuring and i’m glad that flowing love and peace energy is something I can do. Doing nothing is not a fun option. It feels like the the way forward is hopeful knowing your at the helm.

    1. Take the higher view. Do not allow yourself to have strong negative feelings. Stay centered with Me in love. In this way you do not add to the troubles. Instead think about the solutions that I intuit you to consider.

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