The Finest Future ©

The past of humanity still affects the present. The new generations coming in try to change everything to suit their views. The newcomers always feel that their views are the best ones. There is often a lack of respect for anything that is not the “latest.” One must realize that the “latest” is often untested and may be flawed.

Do not be fooled into throwing out the foundations of your culture. For those foundations are what has allowed the innovations of the present to arrive. I always like to remind you that one thing leads to another. Nothing arrived here because it sprang from itself. After all, you are the product of your parents and their culture.

All new ideas and activities need to be tested. One must look for quality and brilliance in anything new. If something is not as good as what preceded it; then it is a step back. It will not succeed for long. It may even lead things in the wrong direction.

It is hard to know if the “latest” idea has true quality. It may simply be well sold by those who wish to acquire money, fame and thus power. Technology makes things tricky as sometimes it is hard for people to evaluate if something is truly beneficial or not. The failure of entire systems can affect the future negatively.

You are seeing this now in some portions of agriculture as they are unsustainable. It is foolish to fool around with the quality of your food. Highly processed foods are the cause of the diabetes epidemic and other health problems. All of this is well known and you do not need Me to teach you these things. Still it continues and it illustrates My message.

Become a expert at life. As you do that I will send you knowings and point you in the correct directions. Together we can create a fine future together. Because I am the creator, I am the expert that you need to guide you. I can let you know if something is worthy of you or not. For many of the creations here now are not worthy.

I do not want you to become an experiment in survival. I want humanity to flourish and grow to their full potential. I am here now. Stay close to Me and enjoy My guidance as you find your way through the minefield that modern life has become. For the most desperate times of the past can reappear to those who are mistaken. Everyone will claim that they never saw it coming.

As your creator, I have everything that you need. Select the best and let all of the rest go. Much of what is here now is not for you. Many fine things await you, as I am abundant. You must develop the awareness that not every “latest” thing is for you. You can learn from mistakes but I would like you to learn from Me. In this way, You and I will find that finest future.

Love’s Creations ©

I love humanity for many reasons. One of the most enchanting things about you is the romantic relationships you create. Your children are stronger and finer when they are born from that type of relationship. Love will always create the very best of everything, including children.

The infatuations that spring up lay the groundwork for true and lasting love. It is that love that builds your families and thus your communities. Those communities are the foundation of civilization. Good civilizations enrich everyone, even those who come many generations later.

The civilization of the present springs from the deeply loving and lasting romances of the past. That is why love and romance is so very important. If you lose that then your offspring lose too. They will not be carrying the strong loving energy that they and their children need in order to have meaningful lives. Love is handed down from parent to child, to grandchild.

Know that lovers are the future of humanity. Honor and support them whenever you can. They need your support and approval in order to grow their relationships. Anytime you find true loving; you are finding the richness of great potential. Those relationships require the fertile soil of loving acceptance from their friends and families.

Whenever you see lovers, you are seeing Me at work. I do not grace the lives of those who seek to indulge in lustful selfishness, so much. Even some of them will find that what they thought was purely sexual desire turns into love; unbidden. When that happens people find themselves unexpededly caught in the trap of their own heart.

I have ways of helping you that you do not know. One of them is showing you the love in the eyes of another. It will make you catch your breath. It will always build you up. It will have you reaching for more of that love. It is in the loving eyes of each other that you will find Me. For I am always where love is. I am just as caught up in loving as you are. It is the way that we find each other.

Flavors Of Divinity ©

One of the biggest problems on Planet Earth today is the cultural and racial bias that exists every where. There is not one group that is free of this. Even those who seek to rise above it, have not. For every ego out there still thinks that they are the best.

I did not create you to be the best. I created everyone to be the best. Notice that there is a difference between those two. At the root of who you are, you are all the same. For each one of you was truly created equally. Each one of you has all of the potential that every other soul has. I am the great egalitarian.

People need to respect the differences between the races. They need to realize that they have had lifetimes in various physical bodies. Each one of you must gather experience in the different races. So the ones who you are looking down on, perhaps even hating; may be your great, great, grandchildren.

It is all foolishness. If you look closely into the eyes of all of my children, you will find love there in some way. For all of you were created with perfect love. Yet you love to hate each other and some of you want to fight anyone of a certain racial flavor. That is how I see the races. They are all delicious flavors of the same species.

Even the sexes feel superior to the other sex. It is as if you must feel superior to anyone who is not like you. There is a great deal of controversy about all of this. It is keeping humanity from finding itself. For all the feelings of superiority and dislike seperate you. They keep you focused on negative ideas when you should be enjoying each other.

For I enjoy all of you. I do not see you as races so much. I see you as my divine children, for I am looking at your souls. I look at your potential. I also look at what you are doing to reach that potential. I see that many are involved with foolish ideas and activities that are beneath you. It is hard to grow when you are behaving like that.

It is important for you to reach to Me. I will help you focus on becoming the best you. I will let you see yourselves through My eyes a bit. When you do that you are going to see the divinity within others. You will see the divinity within all of the races. For it is there strongly.

Even the lowest being in the darkest place, still carries divinity within. It may be well hidden but still it remains. It will carry that soul back to Me someday. When that soul arrives, I will be there; welcoming them back to My light and love. Remember always, everything began with Me and everyone returns to Me too.

Divine Creation©

The Sacred Fire is My fire. It is the light of the Holy Spirit which is the Divine Mother. She of course is a portion of Me as all things are. She is a very great part of who I am. If you consider that all things proceed from the union of divine energies, then you see that this must be so.

Because all things proceed from Me, I contain the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies. We are using terms that you can understand. For you understand gender. You can see gender as a frequency, as all things have their own frequency. When the energy of the Divine Masculine combines with the opposite frequency of the Divine Feminine energy; creation occurs.

The Divine Females carry this particular creative energy within them. It must be impulsed and permeated by the Divine Masculine energy in order to create. I am the outcome of this Divine union as I am All That Is. You are a creation of this union also. So you and I spring from the same source. At the same time I am the source of the Divine Masculine and Feminine.

For in the beginning I was All That Is and I divided Myself into the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine polarities so that I might create and thus become more. There is an endless, flawless, continuing creation as My male and female portions continue to explore together.

This creates balance, which is vital for our continuation. Each of My Divine portions has their own validity, personality and atributes. You can understand them a bit as you understand the different qualities of the genders.

Divine Mother is very powerful. That power has not been understood so much by humanity. For humanity does not realize what power really is. They see power as force, which it is not. The Divine Power is more subtle when expressed by the Divine Mother. Still it is at the base of all creation here.

Divine Mother sees that it is time that humanity learns about Her. She is coming to you to introduce Herself strongly. She has all of the power, intelligence and love that you need. She is tired of waiting to develop the relationship that you need now. Humanity is very fortunate to have this opportunity to get to know Her and thus themselves better.

Realize that you can never understand and know Me unless you know and understand the Divine Mother and the Heavenly Father also.

Sacred Fire Journey©

Archangel Uriel has given us a meditation to take you on a journey to visit with All That Is. Uriel uses the medium of the Sacred Fire at the Temple of the White Dove to expand your energy field and raise your frequency for the journey.

You will receive a message and lovely blessing from All That Is. This powerful meditation can be used often to enhance your growth and evolution as well as continuing to create a wonderful relationship with God.

This meditation is best experienced using the full screen.

Higher Vision ©

I want humanity to have a better view of themselves. In order to do that, they must get to know Me and themselves better. Otherwise they are enchanted by the distractions that surround them everywhere. So many today see the world through the eyes of their computers. They pontificate about many things which they have never even experienced.

Many are arm chair experts on everything and nothing. Their understanding of the real world and the spiritual worlds is non existent. I find that some people are living in a cyber world of ridiculousness. There is not a lot of respect among the players in that reality. They never meet each other face to face so they pretend to be something that they are not. They have no manners and treat others poorly. This causes them to be deficient when they interact with the real world.

The real world is going to reach out and grab them. For the real world is the one that you came here to learn from and you can not ignore it. It is not possible to live in the cyber fantasy of game land forever. It is not possible to convert the real world to be ruled by the cyber world. Some think that technology will rule the world. Never will that happen. For I have created failsafe scenarios within nature that will always force you to deal with that reality.

Your bodies will always require sustenance and exercise. When one becomes sedentary they soon depart this reality. Little by little the body begins to lose it’s strength and agility. The only way to stay in this physical reality is to maintain and use your bodies. All of this seems obvious but more and more people are turning themselves into human mushrooms.

One of the side affects of the cyber life is that people’s attention spans are shortened. They come to find that they can not concentrate on anything for more than a flash. This is a result of the brain damage that they are sustaining. If you can not concentrate then you can not acheive much of anything in any portion of your life. To concentrate requires self control. I find that many have little self control at all.

Many are moving into a reality of one incoming impulse after another. They receive them and absorb little as their brain waits for the next incoming phenomena. After all is done, they remember little of their experience. Life flows by on the computer screen and no one knows what really happened. The thinking part of the brain atrophies as it becomes weak from lack of use.

The university of the future may be a farm field. Those who work with their bodies in nature will be the strongest and most intelligent. They will be the ones who are truly in charge of things. While the weaklings of the “intellectual” worlds become perpetual children.

Everything flows in cycles and thus balance is found. The admired and followed people of the future will be those who can produce something of value. The cyber world will be full of useless, stifling nonsense; like much of it is now. Those who have found Me will have a higher vision. That will allow them to create the reality that will serve body, mind and spirit.

Radiating ©

As you discover Me, you begin to wonder what took you so long. You also wonder why there is so much confusion about Me. The confusion is caused by the ego. For the ego in it’s desire to control things, puts everything and everyone else beneath it. There are many egos playing together on Planet Earth. Each one of them is involved in it’s own drama.

Some like to play that “my God is better than your God.” Other egos like to be superior and thus think that there is no God. For egos seek to be the one who knows. That makes everyone else wrong unless they have the same belief. Confusion reigns and the egos thrive on that for awhile. Ultimately that senario leads to suffering in some way. That is where I come in.

I am your solace. I am your perfect love. I am your future. I have the power you need to succeed. At the same time I offer solace, love and successful futures to everyone. They like you must come to Me too. Everyone must come to Me in time. As I am all that is; there is no other outcome.

You can see that all of the confusion and trouble is created by the ego driven mind of humanity. The antidote for that is Me. I am not confused. You will not be either when you are close to My mind. My mind is right there, connected to your mind; waiting for you to listen and learn. As you come to Me others will find Me also. All are connected through the energy interface that we have.

That is why actions speak louder than words. Others will know that you have found Me even though you may never talk about it. Unconsciously they will have knowings from the energy going out from us. We are going to broadcast our love and happiness. The peace that we create will flow outward too. The dear, soft heart that you are radiating will shine out without a word. Those who want that light will find it because you have.

Exploring ©

The reason that you are missing Me is that you have not been taught that I am within you. This seems like a foreign idea to many people. If you think about who you are, you will see that I am here. For you have all of the fine attributes of Me within you. Some of them remain to be discovered by you.

But the love and intelligence that you have, comes from Me. Where else could it have originated? For I am your creator. Many think that some unknowable deity created them and then abandoned them to their fate. I do confess that I require you to seek Me out. I must allow you to try things on your own for awhile, as you are going to do that anyway.

When you have had enough travail and enough confusion, you will begin to wonder about Me. It is then that I can touch your mind and heart and begin to get your attention. When you look for shelter from the storm of life you are looking for Me. It takes awhile until you reach hard enough and high enough to find Me. Always you will look outside yourself first.

Perhaps you find it hard to believe that I am within you. Where else would I be? For I am all things. Some find Me in nature. Some find Me in the faces of others. This is wise but it is only part of who and where I am. You are the portion of Me that is experiencing you. Your life is My exploration of humanity and Planet Earth.

You are a great explorer. You are the Lewis and Clark of your time. Your discoveries are just as valuable as their’s were. For I need to know about everything that I created. All things are evolving and thus changing. So you are the soul on the scene that lets me know the latest news. At the same time I am experiencing everything through you.

You could see yourself as a cell of My body, but you are much more than that. For your mind is part of My mind and your loving heart is mine too. We are indeed one. I will let you ignore that for as long as you like. Someday you will have to reach out for your own wholeness. Then you will find Me there.

As you find Me, you will begin to realize your potential. I have great plans for you, as I will not limit Myself. In your struggles you are reaching for that potential. I must allow you to do that as you have free will. All the while, I know the wonderful future that lies ahead. I also know that you must grow into your potential in order to experience that future.

As you become more and more, I do also become more. Forever we reach forward together. Sometimes you may try to take off on your own again. After experiencing Me, being alone becomes dull and lonely. Once again you will begin to search for Me. I will be waiting for you as I never left. The love that I am will come to you when you allow it to. In the love we discover ourself again.

Root Of Civilization ©

As you know it is time that humanity found Me again. Every so often I find that you need to hear from Me personally, once again. For most of those who have had that experience are no longer on Earth. Every generation is a bit different from the one before it. Each one of them have their own color and flavor if you will. They have certain attributes; be they positive or negative.

In order for humanity to understand Me, I have to talk to you in a way that the current population can understand. For if I talked to you in the lingo of the ancient past you could not get My messages. You also would not have any feeling for who I am. You need to know that I am here and that I know you well.

We must remove the barriers left from the cultures of the past. They have gone on now and are part of history. Do not feel superior to them for many of you were present then, but do not remember. So while the cultures of the past are the foundation for the present we must rebuild our relationship.

For relationships must always grow or they will fade away. I am here strongly through this teacher (and in other ways) now so that you can build your relationship with Me, once again. Do not think that this is so very strange. If you are finding this teaching, know that it is meant for you. For this teaching will survive for many generations.

In this way, I can touch your hearts and minds with My love and wisdom. Humanity needs to regain it’s sense of itself as a spiritual creature; first and foremost. That has been cast aside by many. That leads to alienation of people from other people. You see this everywhere now. Even families are alienated from each other at times. That robs people of their sense of belonging. It takes away ones feelings of being loved, honored, cherished and safe. That will destroy a civilization.

As modern life becomes more meaningless for many; people have no desire to be creative or contribute to the community. Without the community there is no real civilization. As all civilizations fall without their foundations. I have seen this happen many times. The causes are always the same. Without your connection to Me, you will not flourish.

You came here to flourish and to find Me within yourselves. In this way you find your happiness and sense of self. For I am at the root of who you are. The rose can not bloom without her roots. It is time now that you looked at who you really are. When you do that you will always find Me.

Regardless of what others choose, know that the most important thing you can do for yourself and others is to bring My love and communion to yourself. I am the one thing that never leaves you and never rejects your beautiful soul.

Technology & Love ©

I have come to you because humanity is so troubled. Of course I have always been here. Now though, I find that you need to hear from Me. For you have reached a point where you are surrounded by mistakes.

Even though you see that your technology goes forward you wonder where it will lead you. It is a product of you. So it will lead you where you will take it. However, it is a servant that can get out of hand. Humanity needs to be very wise now for many reasons.

Technology allows you to get yourselves in big trouble if you do not use it with care and love. Many would not put technology and love in the same sentence but they must travel forward together. Without the guidance of love; technology is a terrible wild child.

For technology has the ability to be more than it seems. It has it’s own hidden facets and problems. There are always repercussions when it is not carefully employed. No one seemly has set out to pollute the environment with lethal factors and yet it has occurred.

The wise among you must now have a voice in the future of technology. Those who pretend to be wise are not. They are simple pretenders who wish to acquire something for themselves. So you must find those people who are not pretenders. You must listen to them. There are experts in every field who have this wisdom.

You will always find wisdom in love. I am not talking about emotionalism or passion. The true unconditional love that I have for you is filled with this wisdom. It should be the benchmark for all wise decisions. Humanity needs to decide the worthiness of any technology by those standards.

Examine everything with unconditional love as your guidepost. If anything in your life is not based on love then it is not worthy of continuing. Certainly any new venture should be loving to all that it affects. If it is not then it needs to be changed or withheld.

This is a simple and profound idea. It now needs to become the standard for the future. Humanities future depends upon it, if it is to be bright. As I bless you always with My unconditional love, I show you the way that flawless creation works. It is time that your creations were flawless too.