Harmony ©

The false self is that portion of you that we call the ego. That false self likes to create a facade that fools everyone including you. You see yourself as someone who really you are not. I see the sacred self that you are. In order to really find Me you need to overcome the views and actions of the false self. For it does not want anyone, even Me to help you change.

For the ego is fearful and rigid. It does not want to let God in as it is the dictator that rules you. The ego can acknowledge Me when it has too. It has been in charge of you for so long that you do not know any better. So you believe the ego is you and it stands between us maintaining it’s sovereignty.

Since the ego is impressed by the trappings of the material plane it has it’s focus there. It does not see Me as having much value unless that can be pointed out to it in some way. The ego would much rather listen to the authorities of the physical plane. Especially if they are offering it some kind of treat. Money, position, power and safety are all treats that the ego wants to enjoy.

Many times these treats are illusions and not real at all. However the ego will have you chasing those treats, even if it causes you to act in ways that are unkind or foolish. For the ego in it’s desire to improve your standing often makes mistakes. Sometimes the mistakes cause situations that bring about intense lessons. That is when I have a chance to teach you.

For if I can engage your true self, the sacred self; I can give you knowings. Intense pain, suffering and self defeat often bring the sacred self forward. Then the lessons are realized and sink in. If we can strongly meet then real progress and evolution of the ego begins. One thing leads to another always. The mistakes of the ego supply you with motivation to find Me; or motivation to create even more trouble.

For the ego wants to fix everything even if the fix is temporary. The solutions that I offer you are very different. I know how to make the finest outcome and the greatest growth for you. My solutions are never short cuts or fast fixes. They are built upon the highest intentions and the greatest integrity. In that way they are executed with the highest light and power.

You can tell when a solution is the correct one. For it will be fair and loving. It will have a quality and brilliance that you can feel and know is there. My hand will be involved in some way that shows you and others the best way forward. It will be the way that honors everyone involved. Some may not think it is an honor. But they will have the best lesson they can use to build upon.

Reach for Me and I will show you your sacred self. When the sacred self rules the ego will have to serve you in a higher and finer way. Your ego will actually begin to relax as it has a leader that is worthy of you. All of us will then move forward together in harmony to the next experience. Some would call this “letting go.” When you do that it gives Me the opportunity to act as your partner. As I am unlimited you will find many of your limitations fall away.

6 thoughts on “Harmony ©”

  1. The ego is one thing that can always be improved and we all need to be aware of. It runs so rampant in society now. Everyone seems to be obsessed with power, materialism, fame, and fortune. It is so easy to fall into this false self.

    Thank you for opening our eyes to what we should and need to be working on. I and my ego are work together as one back to my true self; back to the love and light of God. Much love <3

    1. It takes a longtime and much work for one to truly do all the work that the taming of the ego requires. If you take one stab at it that is one less effort you need to make. But there is still a great deal of effort needed to evolve beyond all of the foolishness the ego has. One needs to examine every fear, false belief, and negative emotion. There will be a constant parade of these as the ego shows itself over and over again. I am here to give you the wisdom and knowings you need, as you watch the parade of the ego continue. There will also be tests that your sacred self gives you to see if you have conquered the issues.

  2. I am learning that when I pause and reflect within myself, I ‘m reaching for your guidance, I can make sounder more sober decisions that I can be comfortable with outcomes. I ‘m just now getting that this is also a way to help get my ego to learn and evolve with us to achieve …Harmony

    1. As you let Me guide you, you will achieve the best outcomes. They may not be perfect outcomes in your view. They will be better than what the ego chooses. The more that you work with Me, the greater your insight and the outcomes of the future will please You and I.

  3. One of my favorite mantras is “Let go and let God”
    and in classic 3rd dimensional fashion I have it on a bumper sticker on my car. I grabbed on to this phrase like a breath of fresh air, like a slight weight was lifted and I could breathe again…
    I put it on my car to remind myself, & for others to see, years ago… It always makes me smile ?
    Your Universes are opening as Knowledge expands… I am enjoying my part in this journey…where ever it takes Us…

    1. Bring My light into anything that you are doing. Even small things are important as they build foundations for greater achievement. I love our interaction. As you succeed so do I. Your part in the journey evolves and We find even greater things to create.

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