The Finest Creation ©

I love humanity. It has always been that way. For after all, you are my finest creation. As you can imagine, I have created many beings. For the Angels and the Elohim are My creations too. They came before you as they were created to be your stewards among other things. So we all put our heads together and you were brought forth here on Planet Earth. All of us exclaimed that you were indeed the finest creation!

Now those Angels and Elohim are fine creations too. They consider you to be just as fine in your own way, as they are. They do not mind that I call you My finest creation for they are included in that, as they helped Me create you. You can imagine our dismay when we see what you are creating in many instances now. For you are creators too and I will not limit you. I must let you discover what creations are worthy of you and what are not.

In this way, you grow and become more. There are those who claim that I do not exist; because a real God would not allow such troubles. It is exactly these troubles that cause you to grow beyond poor behaviors. There is always a repercussion for every action; as you may have noticed.

I know that humanity can do a great deal better than what is being done now. For the parent watches their child and knows that the scribbles of kindergarten may evolve into masterpieces some day. It is hard though, as your scribbles often hurt you and others. Still I must wait for you to ask for My help and advice.

Without that you will continue to grow but the growth is often slow and confused. As you learn to reach higher, then you find My Light. That Light is full of information, ability and potential. It is there to be harvested by those who are wise enough to pick it. I have endless amounts of this Light. I do not withhold or limit the tools of your evolution.

Only you do that. You will come to recognize when you are limiting yourselves. That will be a great moment for all of us. Each one of you will find it in your own time. It can come spontaneously or after great struggle. Many souls have become unlimited. You are not aware of them because they take themselves and their creations to a higher dimension.

You will do that one day. It is guaranteed. Every soul evolves and every soul evolves forever. As we see you graduate from Earth, My Angels and Elohim and I exclaim with joy: “There goes an unlimited human who is surely one of God’s finest creations!

4 thoughts on “The Finest Creation ©”

    1. I want you to understand how I see you. For each one of you has the tremendous potential that I instilled within you. You will find out how fine you are as you evolve. That will not be your ego talking to you. It will simply be the realization that you are indeed a part of Me. That will come as you get close to Me.

  1. It is comforting to know there is more than just me and this lifetime. I am glad to be learning your perspectives here. It’s so refreshing!

    1. Even if you did not believe in Me, I would be with you. I have to wait until you decide to reach for Me, to begin the dialogue. You are creating your experiences until you do reach out to Me. Then I will help you create a finer life which will bring you comfort and love and wisdom.

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