Finding Brilliance ©

I have so much to share with you.  It is much easier for you to understand and use the information that I have if you bring your frequency up.  You should always do this so that you can enhance your day to day life; anyway.  It will allow you to get closer to Me and to understand all of the messages that I have.  For some of the concepts that I am sharing with you are more advanced now.

I want you to learn how to keep your frequency up and access Me easier and understand all the teachings that we have here for you.  For I am working with the Holy Trinity who are aspects of Me.  So know that when I say “we,” I am talking about all of the many aspects of myself that makeup All That Is.  Be aware that there are portions of Me that are so high and fine and vast that you can not interact with them.  So I have brought Myself down to a frequency that you can understand.  

But still in order for you to get all of the messages and information; you must always work on bringing your frequency up.  As your frequency grows and becomes higher, you will find that you can understand much more of the information that I am bringing to you.  I want you to become brilliant in your frequency.  Becoming brilliant in your frequency will allow you to become brilliant in every part of yourself.  

Your mind will work better.  You will have higher knowledge and all things will flow when your frequency is high.  Conversely, when your frequency is low, you can not understand many things about your life.  You feel slow and foolish and stupid and you make mistakes.  Here is a simple exercise for you now to always keep your frequency higher.  It is particularly good to do this exercise at the start of your day.  You can also do it at anytime that you are feeling tired or confused or you simply feel the need to be closer to Me and to the Light.  

Clear your mind and settle down.  This will only take a few moments of your time.  It is very powerful and helpful for you.  Put aside all of your concerns, cares and problems.  Stretch your mind and reach to Me.  You do not have to know who I am or where I am.  You must simply intend that you are reaching to connect to All That Is.

You are reaching out to God now and I know you.  I will feel your regard and return the regard that I have for you; to you.  Thus we meet.  So now you have reached to Me and we have met because I have reached back to you.  I want you to see, feel, hear or know My very strong Divine White Light coming to you.  

I want you to feel it filling all of the spaces within your body, mind and spirit.  You may feel things happening at the top of your head in the crown chakra.  You may feel things happening in your heart as your chest may have a feeling of expansion and fullness.  As I will always fill your heart with My Divine Light.  

Imagine that that light pours down all the way to your feet.  As it does so it fills your entire aura with the Divine White Light of God which brings protection and strength and awareness.  

It only takes a few moments to do this.  Although if you are feeling particularly tired or stressed or troubled you will need to spend a bit more time with it.  

You will also find that the more you do this the quicker it comes to you and the stronger it is able to come into you and that you will get clearer; quicker.  So it is a process that can get to be very powerful.  It can happen rapidly for you.  

Over time it will hold your frequency at a much higher place than it is now.  Anytime you continue to come to Me in this way, you are making a real and vital connection that will serve you as I become so much closer to you.  It allows Me to play a bigger role in your life as I will support you in all ways that I can.  

Know that you will use this Light.  Because of that you will need to replenish it.  I can not force Myself upon you so you must always do this exercise if you wish to keep this light flowing to you and to keep your frequency where it needs to be.  

Someday you will find that you and I become so close that it is as if we are one at times.  You will find that this beautiful union causes you to grow and evolve rapidly.  It will change your outlook on every single thing in your life.  It will also cause you to make better decisions and work from a place of higher knowledge and insight.  Things will be easier for you.  You will have wisdom to share and love to give to those in your life.  

So this simple exercise where you spend a few of your minuets throughout the day connecting to Me, reaching to Me and allowing Me to return the connection; is just what it takes to change your entire life; now and forevermore.  So begin to become brilliant and see yourself surrounded by My brilliance as I respond to you reaching to Me.  

That brings both of us into a place of harmony and love and perfect understanding.  This is All That Is showing you the way to achieve the frequency, the light and the relationship that you need now and I am offering to all.

2 thoughts on “Finding Brilliance ©”

  1. I want to thank you for your guidance and clarity that your messages bring to me. I feel your presence in my life everyday and it is wonderful. I feel full of your love and energy. I am grateful to be on this journey with you. I am so glad I found you here!

    1. Know that the journey we are on will never end. We will however, go on to new adventures. Many of them will be far away from the third dimension and Planet Earth. You will find your potential in ways that you can not imagine now. Stay close to Me and I will always guide you, help you and love you. For as the journey continues, so do the challenges.

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