Technology & Love ©

I have come to you because humanity is so troubled. Of course I have always been here. Now though, I find that you need to hear from Me. For you have reached a point where you are surrounded by mistakes.

Even though you see that your technology goes forward you wonder where it will lead you. It is a product of you. So it will lead you where you will take it. However, it is a servant that can get out of hand. Humanity needs to be very wise now for many reasons.

Technology allows you to get yourselves in big trouble if you do not use it with care and love. Many would not put technology and love in the same sentence but they must travel forward together. Without the guidance of love; technology is a terrible wild child.

For technology has the ability to be more than it seems. It has it’s own hidden facets and problems. There are always repercussions when it is not carefully employed. No one seemly has set out to pollute the environment with lethal factors and yet it has occurred.

The wise among you must now have a voice in the future of technology. Those who pretend to be wise are not. They are simple pretenders who wish to acquire something for themselves. So you must find those people who are not pretenders. You must listen to them. There are experts in every field who have this wisdom.

You will always find wisdom in love. I am not talking about emotionalism or passion. The true unconditional love that I have for you is filled with this wisdom. It should be the benchmark for all wise decisions. Humanity needs to decide the worthiness of any technology by those standards.

Examine everything with unconditional love as your guidepost. If anything in your life is not based on love then it is not worthy of continuing. Certainly any new venture should be loving to all that it affects. If it is not then it needs to be changed or withheld.

This is a simple and profound idea. It now needs to become the standard for the future. Humanities future depends upon it, if it is to be bright. As I bless you always with My unconditional love, I show you the way that flawless creation works. It is time that your creations were flawless too.

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