Root Of Civilization ©

As you know it is time that humanity found Me again. Every so often I find that you need to hear from Me personally, once again. For most of those who have had that experience are no longer on Earth. Every generation is a bit different from the one before it. Each one of them have their own color and flavor if you will. They have certain attributes; be they positive or negative.

In order for humanity to understand Me, I have to talk to you in a way that the current population can understand. For if I talked to you in the lingo of the ancient past you could not get My messages. You also would not have any feeling for who I am. You need to know that I am here and that I know you well.

We must remove the barriers left from the cultures of the past. They have gone on now and are part of history. Do not feel superior to them for many of you were present then, but do not remember. So while the cultures of the past are the foundation for the present we must rebuild our relationship.

For relationships must always grow or they will fade away. I am here strongly through this teacher (and in other ways) now so that you can build your relationship with Me, once again. Do not think that this is so very strange. If you are finding this teaching, know that it is meant for you. For this teaching will survive for many generations.

In this way, I can touch your hearts and minds with My love and wisdom. Humanity needs to regain it’s sense of itself as a spiritual creature; first and foremost. That has been cast aside by many. That leads to alienation of people from other people. You see this everywhere now. Even families are alienated from each other at times. That robs people of their sense of belonging. It takes away ones feelings of being loved, honored, cherished and safe. That will destroy a civilization.

As modern life becomes more meaningless for many; people have no desire to be creative or contribute to the community. Without the community there is no real civilization. As all civilizations fall without their foundations. I have seen this happen many times. The causes are always the same. Without your connection to Me, you will not flourish.

You came here to flourish and to find Me within yourselves. In this way you find your happiness and sense of self. For I am at the root of who you are. The rose can not bloom without her roots. It is time now that you looked at who you really are. When you do that you will always find Me.

Regardless of what others choose, know that the most important thing you can do for yourself and others is to bring My love and communion to yourself. I am the one thing that never leaves you and never rejects your beautiful soul.

2 thoughts on “Root Of Civilization ©”

  1. Your teachings are refreshing, they bring to me not just peace of mind, it feels like my heart and soul are being refreshed also. Thank You so much!

    1. Love is the most refreshing and revitalizing thing there is. I have all of it that you can ever want or need. But I can not force it upon you. Already it is the basis of your being. Reach to Me for the love that you need now. When you receive it; share it with everyone that you can.

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