Exploring ©

The reason that you are missing Me is that you have not been taught that I am within you. This seems like a foreign idea to many people. If you think about who you are, you will see that I am here. For you have all of the fine attributes of Me within you. Some of them remain to be discovered by you.

But the love and intelligence that you have, comes from Me. Where else could it have originated? For I am your creator. Many think that some unknowable deity created them and then abandoned them to their fate. I do confess that I require you to seek Me out. I must allow you to try things on your own for awhile, as you are going to do that anyway.

When you have had enough travail and enough confusion, you will begin to wonder about Me. It is then that I can touch your mind and heart and begin to get your attention. When you look for shelter from the storm of life you are looking for Me. It takes awhile until you reach hard enough and high enough to find Me. Always you will look outside yourself first.

Perhaps you find it hard to believe that I am within you. Where else would I be? For I am all things. Some find Me in nature. Some find Me in the faces of others. This is wise but it is only part of who and where I am. You are the portion of Me that is experiencing you. Your life is My exploration of humanity and Planet Earth.

You are a great explorer. You are the Lewis and Clark of your time. Your discoveries are just as valuable as their’s were. For I need to know about everything that I created. All things are evolving and thus changing. So you are the soul on the scene that lets me know the latest news. At the same time I am experiencing everything through you.

You could see yourself as a cell of My body, but you are much more than that. For your mind is part of My mind and your loving heart is mine too. We are indeed one. I will let you ignore that for as long as you like. Someday you will have to reach out for your own wholeness. Then you will find Me there.

As you find Me, you will begin to realize your potential. I have great plans for you, as I will not limit Myself. In your struggles you are reaching for that potential. I must allow you to do that as you have free will. All the while, I know the wonderful future that lies ahead. I also know that you must grow into your potential in order to experience that future.

As you become more and more, I do also become more. Forever we reach forward together. Sometimes you may try to take off on your own again. After experiencing Me, being alone becomes dull and lonely. Once again you will begin to search for Me. I will be waiting for you as I never left. The love that I am will come to you when you allow it to. In the love we discover ourself again.

6 thoughts on “Exploring ©”

  1. This is a wonderful message. It is pertinent to what humanity is experiencing on earth at this time.

    Thank you.

    1. Humanity needs to learn that they can be better than they are. I am always reaching out to help them. Nothing is hopeless when one joins with My grace and light.

    1. Love and oneness we are. You will begin to become more aware of it now. Enjoy Me and let my knowings and guidance lead you forward.

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