Radiating ©

As you discover Me, you begin to wonder what took you so long. You also wonder why there is so much confusion about Me. The confusion is caused by the ego. For the ego in it’s desire to control things, puts everything and everyone else beneath it. There are many egos playing together on Planet Earth. Each one of them is involved in it’s own drama.

Some like to play that “my God is better than your God.” Other egos like to be superior and thus think that there is no God. For egos seek to be the one who knows. That makes everyone else wrong unless they have the same belief. Confusion reigns and the egos thrive on that for awhile. Ultimately that senario leads to suffering in some way. That is where I come in.

I am your solace. I am your perfect love. I am your future. I have the power you need to succeed. At the same time I offer solace, love and successful futures to everyone. They like you must come to Me too. Everyone must come to Me in time. As I am all that is; there is no other outcome.

You can see that all of the confusion and trouble is created by the ego driven mind of humanity. The antidote for that is Me. I am not confused. You will not be either when you are close to My mind. My mind is right there, connected to your mind; waiting for you to listen and learn. As you come to Me others will find Me also. All are connected through the energy interface that we have.

That is why actions speak louder than words. Others will know that you have found Me even though you may never talk about it. Unconsciously they will have knowings from the energy going out from us. We are going to broadcast our love and happiness. The peace that we create will flow outward too. The dear, soft heart that you are radiating will shine out without a word. Those who want that light will find it because you have.

8 thoughts on “Radiating ©”

    1. The ego is the unrefined part of your personality. It is fearful and rules you with fear and other negative emotions. It is childlike, prideful and has many false beliefs. One must work on refining the ego to overcome it’s negative affects. See the post “Harmony” for more insight. Meditation is a wonderful tool to gain insight and refine the ego.

  1. Well said this is the first time its been laid out so clearly for me. This will help me with my self appraisal
    and growing my character. Thank you!

    1. As you continue to work with Me, I will guide you regarding taming your ego. It will get easier to understand as you work on it. You will also understand the behavior of others better too. Beware of trying to explain their ego to others though. If they are not ready to change; you will offend them and their ego may lash out.

  2. Learning to let go of my ego personality was (and still is) a fearful process for me. It seemed like my ego was ME, and who I was would be lost without it. But as I’ve grown older and wiser and more able to understand spiritual truths, I’ve come to realize that my ego is actually hiding the part of me that is capable of accepting the real me. I’m learning to accept my fears instead of pretending they don’t exist…accept I am a child of a loving God instead of feeling unlovable…looking for the soul in other people instead of just seeing their outside…and trying to be a better human instead of feeling trapped in regrets and unforgiveness. I’m learning the power of gratitude, and when I remember to be grateful it goes a long way toward taming my ego. Believe me, I still have a long way to go, but being taught how to actually communicate directly with All That Is has brought a sense of peace and love that I’ve longed for my whole life.

    1. The ego will hide the sacred self from you if you allow it. Most allow it because as you have learned, they do not realize that they are much, much more than the ego. When the sacred self rules then you can find Me. I am just delighted with our enhanced relationship. I can now share my wisdom, love and power with you in ways I could not before. When you return to the higher dimensions at the conclusion of this life, you and I can find the even higher experiences that we long to share. All of this is now possible because you have removed the ego from it’s false position of power.

  3. I have been working on ego the past few months. It’s been very interesting separating ego from self. I think of my ego as a canny bit of baggage I carry around.
    Also, Your last few lines were like a soft hug ?

    1. You are on the right path. It is wonderful to realize that your sacred self is not the ego. Then you understand how lovely you really are. Let that lovely self rule you. Those last few lines were a soft hug. Congratulate yourself for recognizing that!

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