Higher Vision ©

I want humanity to have a better view of themselves. In order to do that, they must get to know Me and themselves better. Otherwise they are enchanted by the distractions that surround them everywhere. So many today see the world through the eyes of their computers. They pontificate about many things which they have never even experienced.

Many are arm chair experts on everything and nothing. Their understanding of the real world and the spiritual worlds is non existent. I find that some people are living in a cyber world of ridiculousness. There is not a lot of respect among the players in that reality. They never meet each other face to face so they pretend to be something that they are not. They have no manners and treat others poorly. This causes them to be deficient when they interact with the real world.

The real world is going to reach out and grab them. For the real world is the one that you came here to learn from and you can not ignore it. It is not possible to live in the cyber fantasy of game land forever. It is not possible to convert the real world to be ruled by the cyber world. Some think that technology will rule the world. Never will that happen. For I have created failsafe scenarios within nature that will always force you to deal with that reality.

Your bodies will always require sustenance and exercise. When one becomes sedentary they soon depart this reality. Little by little the body begins to lose it’s strength and agility. The only way to stay in this physical reality is to maintain and use your bodies. All of this seems obvious but more and more people are turning themselves into human mushrooms.

One of the side affects of the cyber life is that people’s attention spans are shortened. They come to find that they can not concentrate on anything for more than a flash. This is a result of the brain damage that they are sustaining. If you can not concentrate then you can not acheive much of anything in any portion of your life. To concentrate requires self control. I find that many have little self control at all.

Many are moving into a reality of one incoming impulse after another. They receive them and absorb little as their brain waits for the next incoming phenomena. After all is done, they remember little of their experience. Life flows by on the computer screen and no one knows what really happened. The thinking part of the brain atrophies as it becomes weak from lack of use.

The university of the future may be a farm field. Those who work with their bodies in nature will be the strongest and most intelligent. They will be the ones who are truly in charge of things. While the weaklings of the “intellectual” worlds become perpetual children.

Everything flows in cycles and thus balance is found. The admired and followed people of the future will be those who can produce something of value. The cyber world will be full of useless, stifling nonsense; like much of it is now. Those who have found Me will have a higher vision. That will allow them to create the reality that will serve body, mind and spirit.

2 thoughts on “Higher Vision ©”

  1. Interesting…and I definitely feel this truth.

    As a child and on into adulthood I read books voraciously. I literally read EVERY book in the children/teenage section of our library during my child and teenage years (who knew there were so many books written about the Land of OZ?). As a child, that truly helped me deal with the dysfunction in my family. But, as an adult, reading was an escape from reality. Then, around 1981, I discovered video games. Oh my…an even better escape than reading, or I should say, a much more addictive type of escape. Finally, thank God, I began getting myself together and began dealing with the real world.

    I want to live in the real world. It is our world and we chose to come here to live and learn…time is precious and this lifetime will end. I have plenty of regrets and am still learning to forgive myself for them, but regrets are a waste of time, too. I’m trying to learn from the past, let go of it, and live.

    This path on my journey of self-discovery has wound around and up and down the mountain I’m climbing, and the going gets rough with some slipping and sliding, but the view is amazing when you make it around those turns.

    1. There is great wisdom in this reply. You have already learned much in this lifetime. There is no escaping your life. You can escape for awhile but always life will force you to face the truth. You and your life are a perfect fit. For your life was designed to bring you the growth enhancing events that you need. As you wisely said regrets help you learn. Then you can release them.

      The view of your future will be amazing because you are with Me now. I am going to show you things that will fill you with love and joy.

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