Divine Creation©

The Sacred Fire is My fire. It is the light of the Holy Spirit which is the Divine Mother. She of course is a portion of Me as all things are. She is a very great part of who I am. If you consider that all things proceed from the union of divine energies, then you see that this must be so.

Because all things proceed from Me, I contain the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies. We are using terms that you can understand. For you understand gender. You can see gender as a frequency, as all things have their own frequency. When the energy of the Divine Masculine combines with the opposite frequency of the Divine Feminine energy; creation occurs.

The Divine Females carry this particular creative energy within them. It must be impulsed and permeated by the Divine Masculine energy in order to create. I am the outcome of this Divine union as I am All That Is. You are a creation of this union also. So you and I spring from the same source. At the same time I am the source of the Divine Masculine and Feminine.

For in the beginning I was All That Is and I divided Myself into the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine polarities so that I might create and thus become more. There is an endless, flawless, continuing creation as My male and female portions continue to explore together.

This creates balance, which is vital for our continuation. Each of My Divine portions has their own validity, personality and atributes. You can understand them a bit as you understand the different qualities of the genders.

Divine Mother is very powerful. That power has not been understood so much by humanity. For humanity does not realize what power really is. They see power as force, which it is not. The Divine Power is more subtle when expressed by the Divine Mother. Still it is at the base of all creation here.

Divine Mother sees that it is time that humanity learns about Her. She is coming to you to introduce Herself strongly. She has all of the power, intelligence and love that you need. She is tired of waiting to develop the relationship that you need now. Humanity is very fortunate to have this opportunity to get to know Her and thus themselves better.

Realize that you can never understand and know Me unless you know and understand the Divine Mother and the Heavenly Father also.

2 thoughts on “Divine Creation©”

  1. Thank you for this teaching as it is time that humanity learns about Divine Mother. Divine Mother is so much of what we are and she has been hidden from religious teachings of the past. Religious fractions have held her down to subdue her power and strength from humanity. As we can see, it has not been working for humanity. There is so much unrest and turmoil. The masculine have been dominating too long and the track record shows it is not working. Welcome Divine Mother as humanity needs you to balance out the masculine energy to a equal portion of the feminine energy.

    1. Divine balance is required for humanity to succeed. They must come to know and honor all portions of Me. To do this they will also have to honor all portions of themselves. That includes the Divine feminine and the females of humanity. For Divine Mother is indeed a part of all people. She is a vital part of the creator as she is the Mother of all. No being in creation was formed without her energy, love and interaction.

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