The Finest Future ©

The past of humanity still affects the present. The new generations coming in try to change everything to suit their views. The newcomers always feel that their views are the best ones. There is often a lack of respect for anything that is not the “latest.” One must realize that the “latest” is often untested and may be flawed.

Do not be fooled into throwing out the foundations of your culture. For those foundations are what has allowed the innovations of the present to arrive. I always like to remind you that one thing leads to another. Nothing arrived here because it sprang from itself. After all, you are the product of your parents and their culture.

All new ideas and activities need to be tested. One must look for quality and brilliance in anything new. If something is not as good as what preceded it; then it is a step back. It will not succeed for long. It may even lead things in the wrong direction.

It is hard to know if the “latest” idea has true quality. It may simply be well sold by those who wish to acquire money, fame and thus power. Technology makes things tricky as sometimes it is hard for people to evaluate if something is truly beneficial or not. The failure of entire systems can affect the future negatively.

You are seeing this now in some portions of agriculture as they are unsustainable. It is foolish to fool around with the quality of your food. Highly processed foods are the cause of the diabetes epidemic and other health problems. All of this is well known and you do not need Me to teach you these things. Still it continues and it illustrates My message.

Become a expert at life. As you do that I will send you knowings and point you in the correct directions. Together we can create a fine future together. Because I am the creator, I am the expert that you need to guide you. I can let you know if something is worthy of you or not. For many of the creations here now are not worthy.

I do not want you to become an experiment in survival. I want humanity to flourish and grow to their full potential. I am here now. Stay close to Me and enjoy My guidance as you find your way through the minefield that modern life has become. For the most desperate times of the past can reappear to those who are mistaken. Everyone will claim that they never saw it coming.

As your creator, I have everything that you need. Select the best and let all of the rest go. Much of what is here now is not for you. Many fine things await you, as I am abundant. You must develop the awareness that not every “latest” thing is for you. You can learn from mistakes but I would like you to learn from Me. In this way, You and I will find that finest future.

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