Our Light ©

The present time on Planet Earth is a very trying time for many. It is always this way when growth and change are the greatest. It is important that you are wise now. For humanity has been taken off into the wrong direction in many cases. I am coming in strongly to you now, so that you may understand this.

There are forces at work here that you do not comprehend. But you have seen their effect. Has love and light ever been so hard to find? At the same time this has forced you to reach for Me and here I am. Many of the things that you counted on have slipped away. Jobs, relationships and other expectations did not last or materialize. Even those who did everything “right,” often did not achieve their goals.

The road your parents took was not yours. You found the road to constantly change and there were no maps. Many find themselves traveling to places they do not want to go. Others relax and do not care about the place they find themselves in. They are only interested in the next experience of drugs, sex or wealth. That may work for a short time, but youth and health flee as fast as those experiences.

All is not lost though it may seem so. You will learn from your experiences, even if it is the hard way. Learning does not have to be that way. You will get to the point where you leave the school of hard knocks. When you do that, then I have a chance to teach you something else.

The something else that I offer is truly priceless. I have the greatest things that ever were. They are eternal and priceless. They are what everyone is really seeking though most are unaware. That is where humanity is today. The seeking is intense. But it is not a seeking for God. It is the seeking for something outside of the self. For I am found within you.

When one comes to the end of their physical road then they may notice I am there. I have left the light on for you. My light and love is eternal and shines for you. I hope humanity will find my light sooner rather than later. Right now the light is completely ignored by many. They are in the long, dark tunnel of self delusion. Many of their “friends” travel with them. Their road maps are false.

Still, humanity has eternity to turn themselves around. While they are figuring that out; You and I will be enjoying the love, wisdom and wholeness that WE find in each other. Do not despair for the others. Your light is shining on them and so is Mine.

2 thoughts on “Our Light ©”

  1. As I prepare for my day, I pray that my love & light will shine brightly. Happiness is lke a smile., starting on the inside. Thank you for leaving your light on!

    1. You are spreading My light strongly. If everyone was doing what you are, many things would clear up. Special grace comes to those who consciously work at spreading Our Light. Your work is making you shine!

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