Perfect Creation ©

The pace of life on Earth today is very fast. As Earth becomes so connected with technology, this spreads far and wide. Humanity needs to remember that they are not machines. You can not work as fast physically as the electrons move across the grid. Your minds can be very quick, but the body must operate at it’s own best speed.

Perhaps you have found your mind racing with thoughts. Unconsciously you found yourself rushing around multitasking to keep up with the pace. I see people zipping around, trying to accomplish more than is wise in the course of the day.

I did not create you to replicate the activities of machines. I created you to learn mastery over the conditions that surround you. Part of that mastery is being able to be comfortable and creative at the same time. Many things are being created today out of chaos. They are often flawed because of that.

There are always repercussions from such flawed creations. People try to cram too much into what they are creating. Instead of elegant simplicity, there are unwieldy results. A good shovel works well in everyones hand because it it simple. When machines are created with chaos, even more design failures occur. Suddenly, airplanes fall out of the sky.

As you connect to My higher light; you begin to create more perfectly. For I am the perfect creator. Take the time to connect to Me. You will find that truly brilliant ideas begin to come to you. They come even about the smallest things. For the smallest things when well done are the basis for perfect end results.

I take no short cuts with My creations. That is why you are perfect. I know that you have the potential to do great things. For I put that perfection within you. I did not create you to be a machine. Do not allow others or your ego to turn you into that.

Working with My light will do away with all of the chaos. Pure brilliance emerges from the creator that is using My light. Reach for My light and you will find that brilliance. Together We will create the next perfect thing that you desire. Humanity will benefit from You and I as We discover our world together; perfectly.

8 thoughts on “Perfect Creation ©”

  1. Thank you. This message is needed as everyone is in a rush. Let’s enjoy taking time to stop and smell the roses!

    1. Those who rush not only miss the wonderful roses, they miss you and I and the beautiful moments of their lives.

      1. By relaxing and taking time to see and feel the beauty of nature is when I become conscious of You. It can start with taking a minute to enjoy something simple and pure, like the beauty of a rose.

        1. You are like that beautiful rose. You have a certain perfection you do not realize is there. Take some time to look at your own purity and grace.

  2. Thank you! I used to live in chaos and finally was brought to my knees. My life is guided by the light. I am so grateful!
    God Is!

    1. Chaos confuses the mind. Then mistakes are made. My light brings wisdom. I am grateful for you! Your success is mine too.

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