Our Team ©

Modern life is confusing and trying for many people. Life in the past was challenging too. The pressures were different but were often similar. Earth is a place that will bring out the best and worst in people. It is a place of learning and testing. You knew that before you came here.

You have chosen this time and place to stimulate your growth as a soul. Life here will be easier for you if you keep this in mind. Some people want to excell at and do everything. Some people are very happy to do little. A happy medium is the best choice. A life well lived is the best goal. Everyone has a different idea about what that is. You are the best judge of what that is for you.

Learn to be steadfast in your positive beliefs and values. This will go a long way toward finding your best outcome. You would think this would be commonsense, but many commit senseless acts. As you find your way along wisdom comes. Even if you have to learn the hard way, you will learn. That is the beauty of having a life on Planet Earth. It is why your soul in it’s wisdom sent you here.

When you work with Me and My light; you find strength and wisdom. That allows you to make the most progress. When you succeed, you can learn much from that too. Overcoming mistakes is uplifting and builds your character. I am the great builder of the finest things. I know what each one of My creations needs to progress and succeed. I know the experiences that will help you find your excellence.

The things that challenge you are those experiences. Even though you should take life seriously, look behind the events to see what I am teaching you. I have designed your life to be a series of lessons. You may think events are random but there is a grand plan behind each and every thing that occurs.

You may be receiving a group lesson at times. At other times the lesson is poignantly for you alone. When you reach for Me, I give you the insights that you need. This allows you to progress faster and with more self confidence. I have the highest intentions and love for you. You will never suffer needlessly. I prefer that you never suffer at all. However, I know that it is a great teacher.

You are much finer than when you began your evolutionary journey. Already you have improved in many ways. You can not see all of the progress from your perspective. Now that you are looking for Me, I can take you along your path in a faster and surer way. Keep reaching toward the highest light and the finest goal. I am always close to you when you do that.

I believe in you. If you can believe in Me then we can become a team. Our team will win many victories. We will overcome all the travails of Earth. Then We will go much farther as We explore the vast Universe of potential. That potential is reaching out for you now as I begin to introduce you to your unlimited self.

2 thoughts on “Our Team ©”

  1. As a willing participate, I am a proud member of Team God. Together, we work as one. Thank you for this loving message of encouragement as I reach higher and higher each day. I look forward to our exploration and journeys ahead. Much LOVE!!!

    1. It is important to know that what you do with Me is meaningful. From
      your position on Earth it can be hard to tell at times. Still, I am always here enjoying everything that you do for Our team. When you leave this lifetime I will be waiting to tell you about Our victories.

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