Sojourns ©

Life on Planet Earth is getting so hard that many people are leaving here. Others have decided not to come into embodiment at all. This is one reason why the populations in certain countries is declining. There are many other reasons given. But if the quality of life here does not suit a soul; they will often pick another experience in some other place and time.

Souls do not have to choose lives that can’t offer them the quality of life that they desire. They will not pick lives that will not have the potential they require in order for them to grow and evolve. For if they do that they will be wasting their time and perhaps suffering a fate they do not deserve. Know that the more evolved a soul is then the more choosy they are about what lifetimes they will experience.

Those who are less advanced will settle for less too. Some are so enamored of the lures of lower behavior, that they will choose any offer they can get. They will jump at a chance to embody into situations that more advanced souls will reject. In this way, those who need sharp lessons will find themselves in the midst of trouble. Everyone chooses that which they are drawn to. Each will be drawn to what they need to experience.

Earth has been a popular place for the brave and brash to come. It is a place of upheaval, both politically and naturally. You have everything here that could challenge you on the third dimension. The climate ranges between wonderful and unsurvivable, sometimes on the same day. As you have experienced, it is important to have foresight.

I have the greatest foresight that there is. For I know all things, all the time. I am generous with my knowledge. I am eager to share it with you. As you get close to Me, you will know things. I will give you the knowings that will lead you safely and surely through any challenge. You must listen and respond by taking the necessary actions.

Those actions might be as slight as putting on clothing to prevent sunburn even though the day is overcast at the moment. It could be as simple as choosing the right diet or people to spend time with. Whatever advice you get from Me will be valuable and add to the quality of your life. If I can teach you to work with Me, then your life will change for the better; forever.

Know that You and I will be working together from now on. We will go forward into the eternity of delight that you can find with Me. Your sojourns to the third dimensional experiences will improve or fade away. There will be nothing here on Earth that will tempt you to leave the wonders of the new creations you will have with Me in the higher dimensions.

Finally you will say goodbye to lower behaviors and activities. The higher dimensions are vast and unlimiting. When you no longer need the third dimension for your growth, it will be gone. In it’s place will be the next step. It will be beyond your most wonderful imaginings. You will be fully on My Team then. My Team is filled with endless potential and all of the love and wisdom you desire.

4 thoughts on “Sojourns ©”

  1. I miss my friends that have passed, but I’m happy that they have gone to their next step. Thank you for the knowings that you send me!

    1. Know that you can touch your passed friends with you heart and mind. Send them a loving thought. You will feel something in response. It will give you comfort and joy to know that they remain waiting for their next adventure with you.

  2. One of the biggest challenge is we need to get out of our own way. We make it so hard on ourselves and all we have to do is give up the control of our ego. Life would be so divine as we would be willing to receive your guidance and act on it. It is a process that I continue to work on daily.

    Thank you for this timely post as I had a clairaudient experience and just disregarded it, thinking it didn’t happen. I dropped and stumbled over things throughout the day. When I took time to meditate, the answer was there. I wasn’t listening! I just have to remember that these are ways you do communicate with me as how else would you? Thank you for your guidance and knowings you give me throughout the day. I look forward to the higher dimensions as it is my goal in this lifetime to be finished with the third dimension.

    1. You are learning to listen to Me. It will pay off for you in many ways. It will also allow you to be a blessing to those around you. As you connect to Me to listen, My light and grace flows to you and out to others. Then everyone is uplifted and sees things from a higher perspective. We all benefit then as we get closer. Love flows to you and back to Me. Hallelujah!

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