Creating Higher Potential ©

As you work with Me you will begin to realize things. My light will cause you to see life in a fresh new way. Since My light is unlimited it will show you the unrealized potential that you have. It will also show the potential in others. You will also know more about everything around you.

These realizations will guide you perfectly. You will know whether you can count on people or activities to succeed. If someone promises something you will know if they will be able to deliver it. In this way you will not waste time and energy on plans that will not work out.

As you begin to see the potential or lack of it in various areas of life, you make better choices. You will also see more deeply into the challenges that can limit or ruin plans. It will not be that you are judging people or activities. It will simply be the insight as to what has the energy to work and what is not going to succeed.

You see, as you begin to work with Me, your creator; you naturally begin to use My energy more. It is a higher and finer energy than you find in the third dimension. My energy allows you to create finer things. It guides you with knowings, insight and power. You will know the best way to do anything, if you concentrate on the finest outcome.

You will also know when to stay away from something. If someone proposes something to you, you will know the potentials involved. For there are potentials for success and failure in any endeavor. When you are close to Me, you will know what they are.

Some have found that when they try to do things without My energy, they become clumsy and everything takes a lot of effort. When they connect to Me and attempt the same work, then things begin to flow and fall into place. Pay attention to what energies are flowing.

Check in with Me when you are having a hard time with something. Perhaps you are not on the right track and need to change something. It may simply not be the right time to do what you are trying to achieve. You may find that the whole thing would be a waste of your time.

As I create the Universe, I do it flawlessly. Even an exploding star needs to explode. You may not understand My thoughts all the time. No one can do that. There are intelligent ideas within Me that are beyond you to understand.

Still, We can work together. I want you to harness some of My fineness so that You and I can create what is worthy of us. In this way, you learn a great deal and I am delighted as I see your true potential growing with each new creation.

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