Our Destiny ©

It is necessary for you to reconsider your life now, since you have found Me. I was not lost and neither were you. It was not the right time for My entrance. Now that we are together everything in your life will change. I will not be the changer as it will be a natural outcome of our relationship.

You will find that you are more loving to everyone. You will unconsciously be flowing the love that I am out to all that you encounter. People may think that you have gotten too soft or weird. You will know the reason that you react differently than you used to. It will be hard to explain to most people, as they do not know Me so much.

They may think you a deluded fool. Some of them will be members of your family or friends of long standing. Your ego may care what they think but your soul is unconcerned. For your soul is rejoicing in our closeness. Always follow the calling of your soul and let the ego make adjustments to it’s views.

So do not try to explain yourself to others unless they too are seekers. Seekers will be fascinated with your experiences of Me. Those are the ones that you can teach about Me. Let the rest think what they will. They do not have to know about us for they can not understand. Those who have not experienced My light and love have no idea what you are saying. It is a foreign language that you are speaking now.

I am the most exotic thing there is. Yet I am within all things. You have found Me within you. When you realized I was indeed there, then we began our dialogue. Sometimes the dialogue is wordless, but it is as vital as anything ever spoken. That is why it is so hard to explain Me to others. I am an experience that goes beyond words.

Let yourself change gently as you digest what is happening. You will want to change the way you do things to fit the way you understand things now. My light is going to show you what to change. At the same time you will feel the necessity for the changes from within yourself. I am not demanding and yet I will fill up your life.

Your life may become very different from the ideas you had about it in the past. The ideas that you have now are brighter and finer. As I stir things up within you, you will naturally stir things up in your life. Still, it can be a quiet stirring of the most loving kind. We will find the future together and it will charm and fulfill you, just as I do.

Hold onto Me as I am eternal and loving. I will still be with you when this reality fades from view. You will be looking at something else that is your perfect destiny. I will be there and You and I will discover our destiny together.

8 thoughts on “Our Destiny ©”

  1. I am so grateful to have the concept of God being within me…and not just have the concept, but feel it as truth.

    1. I am within you and will not leave. Your feeling of Me will become stronger as We go forward together consciously. Keep reaching to Me and the dialogue will grow. I will not overwhelm you, as I know just how to take us forward in love.

  2. I feel you working through my life daily. It may just be the littlest nudge. What a blessing it is to work and grow with you. I look at others as they consume themselves in earthly third dimensional drama and materialism. They have no idea of the wonderful experience that they could have experiencing God within. It is so true it is an experience beyond words. It just makes you crave more and more. For what I have been seeking all along is the unity and the oneness with you. It is priceless.

    1. Our relationship is growing strongly. You recognize the nudges and knowings that I give you. All of this will continue to expand and deepen. You are gaining wisdom and your words reflect that. Our future is set in the love that flows between us.

  3. It is wonderful to know and feel You here with me. and I look am look forward to nurturing and experiencing our relationship together. It is a little sad for me so many and some who I am close to are unable to seek and find what we have. I will endure and carry hope for them.

    1. Do not be sad for the others. Every soul will come to Me in time. Their time is not here yet. They are infatuated with something else right now. Life will teach them to look for Me someday. Your faith in Me will be a guide for them when they are ready. Send your love and thus My love to them. It will light their way to Me, when they are ready.

  4. As I am with you, my life is changing for the better. I am evolving with your light and grace. I enjoy spending time with You. That is the highlight of my day!! I thank you for all the gifts I have in my life.

    1. You keep coming to Me and I am delighted. It is wonderful for Me to be able to fill your life up with light. Through you others will receive My light as it glows within you. It will radiate out to those who you interact with. In that way I reach out to many through the lives of those who love Me. One more slave has shed her shackles. More will follow.

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