Divine Freedom ©

There has always been a lot of slavery on this planet. Still it goes on. Some of it is blatant but much of it is covert. It has other names now as some are enslaved by the beliefs of their egos. I desire that you be free, as I wish to see you find your true potential.

Many have no idea of their potential. It may lie in areas that they know nothing about. For they have been focused on other things since they began here. You can have many lifetimes and never discover who you really are.

If you are caught up in the programining of the culture it is no different from being the slave of a ancient king. You live your life to please the king. Sometimes the king is money, fame, sex or drugs. Everyone serves some master, even if it is the expectations of your own ego. That ruler is relentless and keeps you from seeing the truth of your own existence.

There are so many ancient kings to deal with. Many of the rulers of countries and commerce are the reincarnations of the despots and strongmen of old. I want you to see how things can remain the same, even though humanity thinks they have gone beyond the old ways.

The old ways are still here as the control of others is everywhere. While it is necessary to have leaders they should not be rulers. Leaders should be benign and lead with wisdom and not by fear. Natural leaders emerge spontaneously and they know this.

I am your natural leader because of my divine power. Be leary of those who say they have divine power. Those who have it do not have to mention it. Divine power is always benign. It always works for the good of all. It does not serve the good of some. For as I have taught you; love is inclusive. Divine power is ruled by love.

Try loving yourself more. As you do this it flows out to others. Divine love is selfless. It will begin to show you who you are. It will show you who the good leaders are. It may even point out the rare leader who is guided by divine love. That is not a weakness though the foolish will mistakenly think so. They are still looking for the ruthless controller.

What you seek will come to you. If you are worshiping rulers you will find yourself ruled. Even if it is just in your own home. The ego likes to be guided by those who it thinks will give it importance or safety and so on. The fearful egos of humanity line up behind the powerful rulers, who will in the end enslave and exploit them.

For you I have created the Law of Free Will. I will never enslave you. Those who are the slaves of religions do not know Me. I want you to find your potential. I want you to find Me. In order for you to do that, you must be free to explore everything. Let yourself go free. Let yourself reach for a higher purpose. You will find new ideas and you will find Me. I will guide you and share my divine power so that you may explore your unlimited self.

6 thoughts on “Divine Freedom ©”

  1. Thank you for your teachings. It helps me to understand clearly what I’ve been awakening to in this lifetime with regards to the goings on with humanity. The way forward to true freedom from this is what I desire. I am grateful your lighting up the way for me!

    1. You are becoming a beacon of light for others now. I am grateful you are doing this work. Continue to stay close to Me and We will find true freedom together.

    1. Yes, you can see it clearly. It is not hard to understand but those who would rule confuse the issues. Let us add: Love not war. Thank you!

  2. As with all of the messages there is much to be read into this. It is so applicable to our lives. The definition of slavery is so revealing. It can in many different ways apply to all of us. We all have a master we need to be free ourselves from.

    1. As you have realized, there are many kinds of slavery and many slaves. You must be a free woman. I will rejoice in that! Free people are those who will be able to work with Me and thus help free the others.

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