Close To Me ©

Today on Planet Earth, I see that humanity is indeed troubled. There are all kinds of problems on this busy little place. I know that you must take these challenges seriously. For those who wish to rule you in one way or another are causing a great deal of trouble. Deception is rampant and the average soul here has no idea what is really going on.

While the third dimension is a place of learning and tests; sometimes they go beyond what is beneficial for soul growth and evolution. You can not figure out what path to take or who to believe in these situations. I have come in strongly through this teacher to help you with this. You have noticed that I have talked about this before but things are worse than ever here.

It is time that you began to get really close to Me. I am here, really close to you. You must learn to reach out to God and let Me guide you from within. Those who are showing you what I am from their perspective can indeed be mistaken. If you are connected to Me from within yourself then you do not need anyone else to explain Me to you. You do not need others to set your course and behavior either.

I do not want to see humanity caught up in the religious and secular struggles that are so prevalent here. I know that some are going to do that but it is not going to help them find Me. Know that I have nothing to do with any war or strife. I do not set up laws that put any race or gender under the control of others. No one is beneath anyone else. Do not fall for that rhetoric. If anyone tells you that you must do this or that because of your social situation or gender; know that you are dealing with a controller. That controller does not know Me.

I have everything you need. There is no reason to search outside of yourself for spiritual guidance. If you do look to others to explain Me to you, then you have laid your most precious soul in their hands. They will inevitably come between You and I. They do not know what I have planned for you. Each one of you is different and has your own particular path.

As you become closer to Me, you will gain insight into all things. Since you will know Me and My loving support, you will know if what is being said about Me is true. You will know what is necessary for you to do and what is the agenda of another. This will bring true freedom to those who take the time and do the work to be close to Me.

I will give you knowings and words when you need them. I will help you understand all parts of life. As I said, I am here strongly with you as you need Me now. I do not like what I see here among the people of Earth. The forces of enslavement are very busy. They sow discord between families and nations. One of the ways you will know Me and thus My plan for you is that all that I do is loving and inclusive.

There will be great troubles here. You can be the light that I have sent to the others who look for Me. Let the love and grace that I give you flow out from you. Do not concern yourself where it goes. It will flow to those who can use it the most. In this way We can overcome the troubles without engaging them in any way. At this time there is no use in having anything to do with the troubles. For if you do that, you are becoming the tool of somebody who is not close to Me at all.

As you concentrate on Me and My guidance then you will be lead perfectly. When it is time for you to return to Me you will see the big picture. From there you will realize that it was just the illusion that souls create without Me. I am real and I am here and you will go forward with Me now into the eternity of love that We have for each other. That will create a magnificent future for both of us.

2 thoughts on “Close To Me ©”

  1. This quote in the blog really resonated with me, “There is no reason to search outside of yourself for spiritual guidance. If you do look to others to explain Me to you, then you have laid your most precious soul in their hands.” That is what led me away from organized religion full of sermons, Sunday school, and Bible studies, which is all about others explaining to me what I should believe about God. Some of what was taught to me as a child I do believe, because when I searched inside myself as an adult, they were Truths. But, not all.

    My path toward light and love and God has crossed many other’s paths, and some paths I shared with others for a time. But, mostly, I believe, we walk our path alone with God.

    1. The spiritual path can be shared with other serious seekers. They sometimes have valuable insights as they are connected to Me too. Your personal relationship with Me will always be ours alone. Do not let your ego lead you instead of Me. It can sometimes be difficult to put that limiting guidance aside.

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