It’s No Secret. ©

One of the best things about humanity is that they are very well meaning for the most part. Even desperados can be that way. But there can be a disconnect between the intentions that people have and the way they actually behave. I want to teach humanity how to become better at controlling their minds and thus their actions.

It is easy for you to get upset and over excited dealing with modern life. For the energies and ideas flying around this planet are often misleading. It is easy for people to believe many negative things that are laid out as dangerous threats. It is also easy to get caught up in the negative language and behaviors that are seen as the norm. Actually, there is nothing normal about these low activities at all.

I have come to remind you how fine you are. You were not created to be involved in behaviors that are beneath you. I created you to be a blessing to Myself and everyone you interact with. I know what you are capable of. You are very intelligent. You can do very fine things. You are also capable of the greatest debauchery and cruelty there can be.

So you are like a very fine tool that has the greatest and worst potential. It all depends on how you focus your talents and ability. A great artist can use their talents to make the most perfect counterfeit currency instead of creating a masterpiece. You are one of My masterpieces. I want you to learn how to bring out all of the perfect potential I have instilled within you.

You will act from the frequency that you have. High frequency behavior is Godly. Low frequency behavior is ungodly. It is that simple. The trick to all of this is to look at the frequency of everything that you do or interact with. If you concentrate on the high frequency activities and behaviors, your life will change for the better.

You need to notice what kind of frequency others have also. It’s no secret. Stay away from those who are negative and manipulating. Those things often go hand in hand. Spend time with those who make you feel happy and content. Those who are always discontented are carrying low frequency and are hard to be around.

Concentrate on what is good. Goodness rubs off on you. Badness will rub off on you too. Feel free to leave behind the people and activities that are of low frequency. You do not need to be popular with anyone but Me! I know and love you well. I have all of the light and magic you need to succeed. Not only will We succeed, You and I will find our light and loving future together. There is no end to our potential!

Memorial Day Message ©

It is wonderful to see you pay homage to those who have given their lives for the greater good. The defense of ones family and friends is admirable. To be selfless is an important spiritual goal. For if everyone was selfless then many of your troubles would disappear. Humanity would be fixed upon creating the greatest good and supporting each other.

It is easy to forget what has been sacrificed for you by others. As time passes and new challenges arise, you find you are concentrating on the present and planning the future. There has been a great deal sacrificed on this planet. To learn from that, it is wise to remember those have paid the highest price. It is the lesson that humanity needs to learn the most.

Conflict on Earth goes on and on. Each generation seems to have to experience war. As these cycles repeat time and again, it seems that nothing is learned. Those unfortunate enough to be caught up in the battles do learn. There are many souls here now who left in the past at the point of the sword; as it were. There are many who are crying out for peace. They are crying for peace between nations and peace within themselves.

For if you are conflicted within; you are going to create conflict in your life. This spreads among the populations and strife grows. As strife accumulates it breaks out into conflict and then war. The most important goal for humanity then, is finding their own peace within. People that have that radiate peace. The energy of peace is gentleness. Gentleness is the most powerful thing that is. It is an expression of love.

Gentleness has the ability to settle all upsets. If one is gentle then there is no desire to fight anything. Gentleness allows all things to be worked out. It exudes love and peace and there is no room for aggression. When you are gentle with all things including your self, then anxiety is gone. Practice gentleness and you will see all that is peaceful come into your experience.

The best way to honor those who have paid the price of war is to be gentle. These words will anger many who are full of fear. You can not be gentle when you are fearful. Anxiety will make you nervous and ready to lash out. Replace your anxiety with peace and watch your world change. It is time this world became gentle.

Gentleness creates a life worth living. It has a way of nurturing everyone. It creates a space for forgiveness and even creativity. It allows people to flourish without fear. Anger fades away before it. Peace arrives and suddenly there is endless potential as people work together once more. That is why gentleness is so powerful and necessary.

I am so powerful and so gentle. I offer you the deep peace that can not be overcome. For peace always comes back in the end. It returns with gentleness as they travel together. I have brought them here to you today. Consider them and apply them to yourself. Together You and I can spread them everywhere as We enjoy each other.

Who We Are ©

Many are called but few are chosen? This archaic phrase is a way of saying that few souls actually choose to seek strongly for Me. For I choose all of you, but many turn away. There are all kinds of reasons that the ego gives them. For your higher self is not heard nearly as well as the orders of the ego.

All will come to Me when they have no where else to go. Some souls naturally seek Me and know I am their goal. Others only discover that inner drive when they are desperate. As you have seen; life on Earth has a way of creating desperation.

I do not want you to experience desperation at all. Everything that I do is life enhancing. My love, light and wisdom is free to all who reach for it. I have no need to make you “earn” anything either. The most dense among humanity could suddenly awaken and I will welcome them without question. Everyone finds Me when they are ready.

As you go forward on this path with Me you will find it is hard to explain to others. Even other seekers will not understand you completely. For I must be experienced for you to know Me. It is hard to put these things into words. That is why I write this blog for you.

When you are close to Me, you may not get words and messages. You will get an experience of Me that you are ready to understand. The understanding of Me will begin as My light comes to you. My light has a feeling that is unlike anything else. You can feel it as you read these words. For each message here that you read is a connection to Me. As you connect to Me, My light begins to come to you.

As I come to you, reach out and come to Me. We meet perfectly when you do that. The dialogue begins even though words may not be said. Another old saying; “you had to be there,” describes our interaction, which is beyond explanation.

I am all and everything that you want. You are the same way to Me. We know each other by the way it feels when we connect. Bask in the bliss that I am offering to you. Do not worry if others have found this. You and I will continue our journey of discovery as We share the bliss of who We are together.

Tomorrow ©

Most of the troubles on Planet Earth are created by selfishness. Selfishness is rooted in fear and greed. Many of you have worked on dealing with your various fears. How many have faced their selfishness? This is a deeply ingrained behavior. Learning to give and share is the beginning of serious spiritual growth.

In past times this was a requirement of spiritual seekers. Many had to take vows of poverty in order to join religious orders. Modern people scoff at that as they are immersed in materiality. To give up these things is simply not acceptable. I watch and wait for you to notice how hollow your life becomes when you are focused on acquiring what you don’t need.

If you are focused on having the most and best of everything then you don’t have time for Me. It takes a great deal of your energy and time to earn and store the prizes of the ego. Once you have them, they require your continued attention. You can not enjoy something you have forgotten about.

Many have forgotten about Me. They do not realize that they can have the finest prize. For I am that. When you are close to Me, I will guide you to the best things that there are. I will give you knowings about what to bother with and what to let go of. Most of the past and the things that were present there, are best let go of.

It is the present that will create the future worth living. That future will be a fine one, no matter what trappings it contains. I have many things for you to consider; that you do not know exist. I have ideas that will delight you as you explore them. I am you and I am creating a wonderous future. You must join with Me in order to find that wonderous future.

You can go forward on you own and still find the future. It will not be the same one that I am offering to you. It will teach you things that will guide you back to Me. In that way We will always find each other.

Throw away your greed and I will give you everything. I will do it in such a way that you can share it with others. My love is inclusive and it creates the very best future. Come to Me and We will discover all of our tomorrows together.

The Highest Knowledge ©

When all is said and done, you will be with Me. It does not matter what you think or believe. Our course is set. Along the way, you may design your life as you choose. This allows for countless variations and teaches you many things.

It lets you find out who you are. This is something that you must discover for yourself. In that way, you will become very capable. Casting you out upon the sea of life lets you forget everything that you know about Me. You must reach within yourself to solve your problems. That is when you begin to find Me, once again.

If you keep looking outside yourself for solutions, you will let others define your reality. You will not develop the jewels of potential that have been planted within you. One of the obstacles to finding your potential is following those who are full of their egos. These are the experts and leaders that society churns out. Each one is stamped with approval and held up to be revered and obeyed.

This is the problem with education. Educators are carefully trained with the agendas of the rulers. They sort through the knowledge base and cherry pick information. That is the curriculum that is presented as truth. Who knows what is left untaught? The wisdom of the past is often cast aside.

Do not worry about this too much. Instead look for the knowings and insights that I will send you. Learn to follow them and you will see that you are well guided. As you speak the truth you will find that even more truth comes to you. This is a failsafe method that I have created so that you will find your way amidst confusion and obfuscation.

The truths of the ages lie within Me. I keep these records eternally. This means that you are connected to the truth of all things. You can access the guidance that you need as you remain close to Me. I have it all and My only agenda is your best good. So if chaos closes around you, know that I am within you. You and I will always have the highest knowledge and the best way to achieve all that is.

Believe In Me ©

The worlds of the heavens are vast. They are much, much larger than the physical plane. There are many levels to the higher dimensions and each level is vaster than the third dimension. The Universe that you are able to see and interact with is only a small portion of My creation.

As you grow in awareness your ability to interact with various realities will grow also. Some souls who reside in the heavens are still limited in their views of the heavens. They have not yet grown their frequency or awareness. So they are not ready to consider other realities yet.

They are quite focused on where they are for now and do not feel much desire to explore. That will change as they grow and evolve. They will be ready to look beyond what they believe now. For it is your beliefs that rule you and thus your experiences.

You find that to be true on your dimension also. There are many who can not read this blog because they do not believe that I exist. Or perhaps they believe that I am distant and unapproachable. Some who believe in Me do not feel that they are worthy of getting to know Me. It is their beliefs that keep us apart.

I am ready and waiting for you. The entire Universe is ready for your exploration. You must expand your light which expands your frequency. As you do that you will grow in awareness and ability. You will also grow in love and thus positive power. Positive power is the only real power there is. For it will overcome all forms of negativity and force.

It has to be that way. If it were not then I could not maintain this beautiful creation of mine. As you have experienced, I maintain it very well. Everything that is low and limiting fades away in time. The lower a thing is, the quicker it fades. The despots and abusers of the past are gone. Those who try to fill their spots will fade away also.

In their place will be people of light and grace. Their songs will flow out across My Universe. You will remain with Me also. As your growing awareness of Me will dissolve those fears and limiting beliefs that you have now. I am so thankful that you are ready to believe in Me.