Believe In Me ©

The worlds of the heavens are vast. They are much, much larger than the physical plane. There are many levels to the higher dimensions and each level is vaster than the third dimension. The Universe that you are able to see and interact with is only a small portion of My creation.

As you grow in awareness your ability to interact with various realities will grow also. Some souls who reside in the heavens are still limited in their views of the heavens. They have not yet grown their frequency or awareness. So they are not ready to consider other realities yet.

They are quite focused on where they are for now and do not feel much desire to explore. That will change as they grow and evolve. They will be ready to look beyond what they believe now. For it is your beliefs that rule you and thus your experiences.

You find that to be true on your dimension also. There are many who can not read this blog because they do not believe that I exist. Or perhaps they believe that I am distant and unapproachable. Some who believe in Me do not feel that they are worthy of getting to know Me. It is their beliefs that keep us apart.

I am ready and waiting for you. The entire Universe is ready for your exploration. You must expand your light which expands your frequency. As you do that you will grow in awareness and ability. You will also grow in love and thus positive power. Positive power is the only real power there is. For it will overcome all forms of negativity and force.

It has to be that way. If it were not then I could not maintain this beautiful creation of mine. As you have experienced, I maintain it very well. Everything that is low and limiting fades away in time. The lower a thing is, the quicker it fades. The despots and abusers of the past are gone. Those who try to fill their spots will fade away also.

In their place will be people of light and grace. Their songs will flow out across My Universe. You will remain with Me also. As your growing awareness of Me will dissolve those fears and limiting beliefs that you have now. I am so thankful that you are ready to believe in Me.

10 thoughts on “Believe In Me ©”

    1. It is wonderful to see My children finding Me here on Earth. There are so many obstacles and distractions that occupy their attention. You will find peace in My company.

    1. You are ready for Me now. But I do not put any restrictions on those who want to find Me. You are all ready when you are ready to put aside the things that come between us. Those things are always placed there by you. They are the illusions that are created by the ego. All illusions fade away when you realize that you need Me more than anything else.

  1. I find it quite interesting you mentioned the worlds of the heavens. It seems they are unlimited just as you continue to teach us the same that we are unlimited. This makes so much sense. It gives a whole new perspective of heaven as we have been limited in our views. So many fear death as they have been taught they are going to hell by some religions; fear based teachings.

    I am living in the reality that I chose and that is a wonderful relationship with you as we work as one creating our reality of an unlimited horizon in the heavens. I am continuing to reach higher and higher daily for your light, love, and grace. Thank you as I, too, believe in you! Much love <3<3<3

    1. The heavens are vast and there is much to explore. Let us do it together. I am the best tour guide that you can have. I know places that you will love. I know place that will amaze you. But the best place of all is in My heart! Come to My heart now. There is no need to wait.

  2. I am bursting with gratitude knowing you are with me. Thank you for teaching me, Thank you for this Teacher. Thank you for your lighting my way to evolve!

    1. I am delighted that you are with Me now. I know that you will help others find Me. In this way you are becoming a blessing to humanity. Stay humble though as that will keep you close to Me.

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