The Highest Knowledge ©

When all is said and done, you will be with Me. It does not matter what you think or believe. Our course is set. Along the way, you may design your life as you choose. This allows for countless variations and teaches you many things.

It lets you find out who you are. This is something that you must discover for yourself. In that way, you will become very capable. Casting you out upon the sea of life lets you forget everything that you know about Me. You must reach within yourself to solve your problems. That is when you begin to find Me, once again.

If you keep looking outside yourself for solutions, you will let others define your reality. You will not develop the jewels of potential that have been planted within you. One of the obstacles to finding your potential is following those who are full of their egos. These are the experts and leaders that society churns out. Each one is stamped with approval and held up to be revered and obeyed.

This is the problem with education. Educators are carefully trained with the agendas of the rulers. They sort through the knowledge base and cherry pick information. That is the curriculum that is presented as truth. Who knows what is left untaught? The wisdom of the past is often cast aside.

Do not worry about this too much. Instead look for the knowings and insights that I will send you. Learn to follow them and you will see that you are well guided. As you speak the truth you will find that even more truth comes to you. This is a failsafe method that I have created so that you will find your way amidst confusion and obfuscation.

The truths of the ages lie within Me. I keep these records eternally. This means that you are connected to the truth of all things. You can access the guidance that you need as you remain close to Me. I have it all and My only agenda is your best good. So if chaos closes around you, know that I am within you. You and I will always have the highest knowledge and the best way to achieve all that is.

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