Who We Are ©

Many are called but few are chosen? This archaic phrase is a way of saying that few souls actually choose to seek strongly for Me. For I choose all of you, but many turn away. There are all kinds of reasons that the ego gives them. For your higher self is not heard nearly as well as the orders of the ego.

All will come to Me when they have no where else to go. Some souls naturally seek Me and know I am their goal. Others only discover that inner drive when they are desperate. As you have seen; life on Earth has a way of creating desperation.

I do not want you to experience desperation at all. Everything that I do is life enhancing. My love, light and wisdom is free to all who reach for it. I have no need to make you “earn” anything either. The most dense among humanity could suddenly awaken and I will welcome them without question. Everyone finds Me when they are ready.

As you go forward on this path with Me you will find it is hard to explain to others. Even other seekers will not understand you completely. For I must be experienced for you to know Me. It is hard to put these things into words. That is why I write this blog for you.

When you are close to Me, you may not get words and messages. You will get an experience of Me that you are ready to understand. The understanding of Me will begin as My light comes to you. My light has a feeling that is unlike anything else. You can feel it as you read these words. For each message here that you read is a connection to Me. As you connect to Me, My light begins to come to you.

As I come to you, reach out and come to Me. We meet perfectly when you do that. The dialogue begins even though words may not be said. Another old saying; “you had to be there,” describes our interaction, which is beyond explanation.

I am all and everything that you want. You are the same way to Me. We know each other by the way it feels when we connect. Bask in the bliss that I am offering to you. Do not worry if others have found this. You and I will continue our journey of discovery as We share the bliss of who We are together.

2 thoughts on “Who We Are ©”

  1. I totally agree with this post. Once I truly found what I was searching for, as what was missing in my life, it has been a journey like no other with you. It is rewarding and enriched with endless potential. It seems like I live in a meditative state all the time; wanting to live in your grace and always to do your will. I continue to share our energy and light with others as it transforms their lives so when they are ready, it is there for them. I am eternally grateful for this wonderful unity as we are one going into this infinite journey ahead. I send you infinite love and gratitude!

    1. You are doing well. Do not worry about others. They will find Me when they are ready. You can not speed that up. Keep building our oneness as the knowings that come will guide you perfectly. Transform your life with the energy and grace that I am sending you.

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