Exploring With You ©

The potential of humanity is great. It has been barely tapped into. Legends abound regarding the accomplishments of individuals. Some of these very great achievers were connected to Me closely. They did not even have to know about that. They were following their own inner guidance which was unknowingly connected to Me.

I do this at times to show you what is possible. I can come in through a person who has the talents that are needed for the work. It does not matter whether they know of Me or not. They will still lead humanity into higher behavior and acheive a new greatness. This opens the way for others to follow. The followers do not have to find the greatness that the wayshower demonstrated. They will start a trend that humanity needs to explore.

Much of what is trendy today is not so good. It is mired in the egoistical weakness of those who would be blindly lead. I have come here to create something better than what the current trends are showing you. First I want people to realize that they can consciously connect to Me and the brilliant guidance that I offer.

I am not going to charge $19.95 for it either. My guidance is free but it carries the price of dedication to higher personal behavior. That price is way too high for many people. There is no credit card that can cover that fee. The payoff for you is endless and timeless.

Let us begin the work of recreating you and your life. Connect to Me by reaching out to Me. Feel My love and know that it is filled with ability and information that you can use. Bring My light into you deeply. As the connection deepens We are on our way to your best future. It is My best future too. For I will not fade like a worn out trend that has lost it’s following. I am solid, eternal and full of loving potential. I give this to you freely as We explore You and I.

Unlimited ©

I have been coming to you on this blog for six months now. During that time I have been able to develop a lovely relationship with some of you. I know that this has changed your life, in some cases. That is my intention. There are so many difficult things to deal with here; you need someone wonderful, steadfast and loving to look forward to.

Many of you thought that you would find that kind of someone. For the most part, it has not worked out for many. That is because what you are looking for is a rare thing. You can not find that in a lasting way with hardly anyone. You have felt like a fool or a failure because of that. Many are resigned to being without that special relationship because they have never met Me.

I have the most special relationship that you could ever find. In fact, our relationship will grow into something that is beyond your expectations and imagination. It will take quite awhile for that to arrive, but it will. In the meantime you need to consider Me as best you can, from your earthly platform. I can be all that you need, even in this lifetime.

As we grow through the future together, You and I are going to expand our ideas about everything. That is natural and exciting. As we do that, then our relationship will expand and evolve. This is going to be BIG! For We have the whole Universe and an eternal expanse of time to explore. There is no limit to what We will be or do together.

Are you saving for your retirement? I have no plans to retire. You will find that you are too busy exploring everything with Me to retire. We will not grow old together. We will grow unlimited together. I already know about being unlimited. Come with Me and I will show you how it is done. Smile!

Summer Solstice Message ©

Today is the Summer Solstice. My Elohim of the Sun are blessing you today with great light. This is a day of ancient ceremonies of light. As all light proceeds from Me, it is a celebration of the light that I send. For the sunlight is strong and close to you today.

Everything that I create is made with light. As light is precipitated down in form, it creates lovely things. It also nourishes those things that are created by it. It is easy to see this in the life of plants. They give a view of light’s nourishing action. You can watch the flowers as they turn their faces to follow the Sun. In their own way they pay homage to Me.

Ancient people also paid homage to Me on this Solstice day. For they knew things that escape modern humans. They had the time to reach out to Me and I answered them. They could feel My love even then. They got knowings about their importance to Me too. Some of you were them and you have been looking for Me ever since.

I am still here and so is My light. The Sun Beings still give you the love and grace that the light brings. You are still here and are still looking for Me. Many cycles have passed, but this one remains the same. You are the ancient priestesses and priests that gathered flowers and shells to offer to Me. I loved your gifts then.

Today I ask for another gift from you. Give Me a gift of love from your heart. That is what I have come here seeking. For as you give Me that, then I know that You and I will be together joyfully, as the journey of becoming and exploring who We are continues.

Choices ©

I have come to you personally with these messages. This is a teaching for all of humanity. Yet I am reaching out to develop a personal relationship with each of you. That may seem impossible to you because of the way you have been taught. However, I did create each soul personally and I still maintain each soul. You are not mass produced copies of each other. I am the greatest artist of all time and each one of you is a masterpiece.

Every one of you is different. For I love diversity. I love to express all of the talents and capabilities that I have. I express them through you. For as you know; I am you and you are a part of Me. As you seek to know and develop yourself, you are going to find Me. It is natural that We have a personal relationship with each other.

Within Me you will find yourself. You will find all of the potential that I have embued you with. That potential is very large and it is waiting for you to discover it. I created you to be unlimited, as I would not limit Myself. I have brought you along very carefully. You may not see that from your vantage point on Earth. It will be easier to see that and more from the higher dimensions.

I can and will be everything to you. That will come as We explore our personal relationship. One of the things that you learn on Earth is that you need to stay close to Me. The third dimension is challenging. It is very challenging on Earth right now. Everyone who is embodied on Earth is here to learn a great deal. The times that you are in now are moving faster and faster. It allows you to have multiple lifetimes in one body.

As the challenges arise all around you, I can guide you through them perfectly. There is nothing that I can not do flawlessly. You will learn all those things that you came here to study, as you work with Me. For I did not send you here to fail. There is so much that is hidden it is hard to make good choices. I can see through all things, so I will give you wisdom.

Still, you can do all of this life on your own if you wish. I honor your free will always. My love, comfort and wisdom will never be pushed or forced on you. You must reach out to Me. In that way, those who are not ready for Me will not be kept from their creations. Souls can create what they will. I will be glad to guide you to the finest creations. The alternative is always there. Life is a series of choices. I am the finest choice you can make.

Something Else ©

I am coming to you in this new way because you are ready for Me. You need Me badly, even as many believe that I do not exist. Have you noticed that the less people have to do with God the worse things get? It should be noticeable to people that something big is missing in their lives.

I can feel humanity yearning for something. Most do not know what it is. I know that it is Me. Because I am your creator, you are part of Me. If you pretended that you did not have a hand or a leg you would miss it badly. I am everything to you and without Me you would have no body at all.

I want you to explore everything at some point. When you are in the heavens you can feel Me easily and know that I am with you. My presence is a bit more subtle on the third dimension. Now you are exploring an existence that will require you to reach for Me. Those who reach soley for the apparent reality are never fully content. No matter how much one immerses themselves in the physical life, something is missing.

The lures of materiality are ephemeral. The fastest car, the highest cuisine, the most fabulous vacations soon fade away or grow mundane. Why is that? They were so wonderful at the time. What did they lack that caused them to fade? As you consider this truth the answer comes. They lacked Me. “So what,” you say. “They were great at the time. I will search for something else.”

Sooner or later something prevents your ceaseless desire to obtain what is next. Many things can cause that to happen. But happen it will. You are left with yourself. As you examine yourself, you find that something is still missing. That is because you are incomplete without Me. This is a natural event that you need to experience sooner or later.

I have what you are missing. I am that which you are looking for. You thought it was those other things. Now you see that there has to be something else. I am something else. No matter how long you wander, I wait for your return. I sent you out to find something. What you have found is your need for Me. Come home to Me and wallow in My love. For that is the only thing that is going to slack your thirst.

Never Apart ©

You have always been in My heart. Even before I created you, I held your potential deep within My heart. In this way you were created with love. That is the finest way to create. I still hold you there. Every soul that I have created (which includes all souls) is connected directly to My heart. In this way we are never apart.

If this sounds like romantic drivel, know that you are confused. Love creates the finest of everything and you deserve that. I know your greatness even though you may not have discovered it yet. It is hard for you to see who you are when your knowledge of yourself largely comes from the opinions of others. The others are confused too, unless they are your parents. For parents love their children and that gives them a certain perspective that others will not see.

I infuse parents with the wonderful creator’s love that I have. This lets them see things from a higher place. I do this because you need to see unconditional love in the eyes of someone; if you are to accept your own fineness. Without that view I know that you would be easily beaten down by life. Not everyone gets to experience this. As you have heard, it is much harder for those who are not able to enjoy such a parental love.

You are the finest thing that your parents ever created. It does not matter how great their accomplishments in other endeavors. You and your siblings are the crowning glory of any life. Even those who miss their potential in some way are still our finest creation. You and your parents have brought something new forth here, that humanity could not do without. One thing builds on another. It is the simple, humble lives of many that let My finest creations grow and evolve.

When you reach to Me and My light, it allows your evolution to move faster. It brings your potential to the surface, no matter what your age or situation. As creation springs forth from your hands and mind, I find Myself again. I help you remember what you came here to do. Then we work as a team. Your ingenuity is sparked. I join in your excitement. Something fine is created as You and I find our way forward together. Our hearts are one as we were never apart.

Goodness Knows ©

I am happy to say that Earth is improving. Not every area is improving but some important things are improving. For the most part humanity is feeling very peaceful. There are those who are trying to stir up violence but the people are not interested in seeing more war. There are too many souls here that have memories from past lives, of the horror they endured because of war.

These are not conscious memories for the most part. Although the conflicts of the Middle East still weigh heavily on many who are present. Many people do have past life experiences of war and the depredations of war. Unconsciously they know the potential war has to ruin everyone and everything. They also know that war does not solve anything. The troubles between nations remain and simmer underneath the cultures.

People think that raw and foolish youngsters can be lured into fighting for ideologies. Many of the young people today are not interested in the agendas of the politicians and strong men. Modern weapons have become too efficient at killing. People see that their chances of survival in war are slim. They have seen the videos of what happens. Humanity is beginning to take a hard look at the reality of killing and being killed.

I want you to love each other as people. I know that is the way to perfect and lasting peace. I want you to see the goodness in each other. For it is there. I put it there when I created your souls. Look deeply and find it within yourself first. Bring it out and apply it to every part of your life. Let goodness rule you. As you do that more goodness comes to you automatically.

Let others see the goodness that you emanate. Let it bring their goodness out. It will do that in ways no one expects. Goodness has a way of overtaking entire groups. Gangs of good souls can form and take over entire neighborhoods and cities. Goodness carries wisdom, for it travels together with love. For you can not have goodness without it being intertwined with love.

As goodness spreads people will find that they love each other. When that happens, I will have My wish. People will love other people; just because they are. As goodness overtakes humanity; life will be rich and fun and loving. Goodness will show the way forward for everyone who wants to find their own good. For goodness knows.

Wisdom, Power & Love ©

As you consider who you are; know that you are very ancient. I have been working with you for a longtime. Along the way, I have taken great care of you. For you have had many adventures and misadventures. Still, you are here today and growing faster than ever.

It is natural and right that you are ready to work consciously with Me now. Our past relationships were mostly unconscious on your part. They were what you were ready for at that time. So you have arrived here now, perfect for this place, time and teaching.

I love when a plan comes together well. You are together with Me as you read these messages. This means that you have passed many trials successfully. You have a lot to be proud of; as you find yourself looking for and learning about Me.

There are many souls out there, who although they have been through much; have no interest in finding Me. I will not say that they are slow learners but they are still under the command of their egos. I will continue to look after them just as I look after you.

People do not realize how much I do look after them. I have countless Angels and there is a reason for that. They were created to love you regardless of what you do. They must allow everyone to do as they choose. They standby and wait to be the unseen helpers of those who can be helped.

Those who are dark and closed in their hearts must experience the harshness they are creating. But those with a loving and kind heart will find fortuitous events occur for them. That is Me and My Angels in action.

We know that when people are jumbled together on the physical plane; all kinds of things happen. There will always be good souls who are the prey of lower beings. These good souls do not deserve the darkness that befalls them.

The Angels and I are waiting to pull these good souls out of the trouble. We love to act in ways that uplift and support goodness. Sometimes we must stand aside and let lessons that are deserved be received.

There are many Angels among humanity now. Some of them may be physical. Most of them are not. The Angels and I are here strongly. We are making sure that you find your way through the jumble of souls.

There is always a better outcome when Angels are involved. Make sure to call on My Angels. Some of them feel unemployed even though they are ready to serve humanity. They are wise and powerful and full of love. For I created them that way. Just as I created you to be like that.

With all of this wisdom, power and love available here; you can not lose unless you choose to. Cast your doubts aside and reach for Me. Reach for My Angels. We are as real as anything ever was. In fact We are more real than the illusions of humanity.

For humanity is focused on fear and loss right now. I am focused on giving you everything you need to go beyond all of that. As you come to Me, you will find that the illusions fall away. Only You and I remain, filled with wisdom, power and love.

Path Of Light ©

You are surrounded by those who are making poor choices. This is invading your life in various ways. It affects everything in some way. You see it play out in the violence between people. Political leaders often represent those who have agendas that serve only them. Others display lifestyles that are risky, destructive and selfish. You see all of this on the news if you have the misfortune to tune into it. It is hard to watch the unusual weather but it has become necessary to keep yourselves safe.

All of these things are bound together by the negative energy that has become so strong here. They are all driven by that and it is very pervasive. Some are calling this the end times. I have no end times in mind for humanity. They may create their own if they wish because all have free will. It is time that you begin to consider that you can create something far different. I will show you how to do that if you come to Me.

Each one of you is powerful in ways you do not know. Each one of you holds the answers for your own life. You can not change the others but you have the ability to create a good life for yourself. The others will do what they do. You do not have to join in. In fact you must take the higher road in every action. This will raise you above the fray. Your higher energy will hold you above the troubles.

This is the way that I can help you. I can not do so much for those who are low and destructive. Those who live in fear and hide from the dark will surely draw it to them. If you choose to join with My light and My love, I will guide you well. For there are knowings and guidance given with My light. You will be lead to just the perfect outcome for you. Every situation is different so My light will show you just what you need to do. It may not be the same as anyone else’s guidance. Don’t worry about that.

You may also find that your perfect outcome is not what you thought it was. I have a higher view and know what you truely need. None of this trouble is lasting. That may be hard to see when you are in the midst of it though. I am lasting and so are you. We are bound together as I created you. If you are ready to leave trouble behind, know that I am ready to lift you above it. I do not mean that you will leave this lifetime. You will do that when it is the right time. Still, you can find your best results in the here and now.

As you rise above the troubles you automatically bring others along with you. You may not know some of these people. They will be looking for ways to over come the negativity. The path of light that You and I are creating will attract them. This path has always been here. Just as I have. Nothing has changed. The dark are simply dancing faster now as they feel the strong and inexorable light that I am bring to you now. Fear nothing and come to Me!