Path Of Light ©

You are surrounded by those who are making poor choices. This is invading your life in various ways. It affects everything in some way. You see it play out in the violence between people. Political leaders often represent those who have agendas that serve only them. Others display lifestyles that are risky, destructive and selfish. You see all of this on the news if you have the misfortune to tune into it. It is hard to watch the unusual weather but it has become necessary to keep yourselves safe.

All of these things are bound together by the negative energy that has become so strong here. They are all driven by that and it is very pervasive. Some are calling this the end times. I have no end times in mind for humanity. They may create their own if they wish because all have free will. It is time that you begin to consider that you can create something far different. I will show you how to do that if you come to Me.

Each one of you is powerful in ways you do not know. Each one of you holds the answers for your own life. You can not change the others but you have the ability to create a good life for yourself. The others will do what they do. You do not have to join in. In fact you must take the higher road in every action. This will raise you above the fray. Your higher energy will hold you above the troubles.

This is the way that I can help you. I can not do so much for those who are low and destructive. Those who live in fear and hide from the dark will surely draw it to them. If you choose to join with My light and My love, I will guide you well. For there are knowings and guidance given with My light. You will be lead to just the perfect outcome for you. Every situation is different so My light will show you just what you need to do. It may not be the same as anyone else’s guidance. Don’t worry about that.

You may also find that your perfect outcome is not what you thought it was. I have a higher view and know what you truely need. None of this trouble is lasting. That may be hard to see when you are in the midst of it though. I am lasting and so are you. We are bound together as I created you. If you are ready to leave trouble behind, know that I am ready to lift you above it. I do not mean that you will leave this lifetime. You will do that when it is the right time. Still, you can find your best results in the here and now.

As you rise above the troubles you automatically bring others along with you. You may not know some of these people. They will be looking for ways to over come the negativity. The path of light that You and I are creating will attract them. This path has always been here. Just as I have. Nothing has changed. The dark are simply dancing faster now as they feel the strong and inexorable light that I am bring to you now. Fear nothing and come to Me!

12 thoughts on “Path Of Light ©”

  1. It is very comforting to know that your guiding Light is with me in these times of chaos here on Earth. My life is blessed with your Grace and Love.

    1. You are with Me on Our Path of Light. My grace and comfort is always there for you. I am delighted to guide you perfectly as We go forward. As you spread My light with the water blessings it allows Me to do more for humanity and this lovely planet.

  2. Really up lifting. Just what we all need to hear. What All That Is says puts things into perspective.

    1. I know what you need and what you need to hear. Do not let others throw their fear upon you. Choices made from fear are never the best ones. The choices I will offer you are full of potential. For I see you as part of Myself. I am unlimited, so you should know that you are grander than you have discovered yet. Take the path I am offering and leave your troubles behind.

  3. It is heartening to read that your guidance is not of the cookie-cutter variety; one size fits all. We are each an individual portion of God, and as such You individualize your guidance for us accordingly. I am grateful for that.

    1. I am still exploring Myself. Since you are a part of Me, I want you to discover yourself. In that way, we both become more. Your potential is unlimited. I will never squeeze you into a mold. You must be free to find your individuality. As you do that we both evolve. Your search for freedom will lead us onward together. I am grateful for you!

    1. Meditate on absorbing My light. You will feel it and you will feel Me. As you fill yourself with the light, let it spill over into the souls that you love. Let it flow out to those who are difficult or troubled. Everyone will be uplifted and make better choices. There will be harmony, peace, love and understanding between you. It is such an easy way to change your life.

  4. Thank you for this wonderful post! It is so always reassuring to hear and/or read reinforcement as we take this path of light in these times of chaos all around us. I am enjoying finding the path of discovering more about myself and who I really am. I look forward to our journey onward. Much love to you!

    1. Thank you for your love! As you send Me love, I will repay you with even more love. As the love flows between us, heaven and earth sing. In this way We uplift everyone with our love. They will not be aware of it but still it uplifts them. Sharing love is one of the very best things We can do. ❤️❤️❤️

  5. I have talked to You directly my whole life, but it’s different now…Feeling Your light and love inside me…Knowing You really have been listening. So beautiful ? Thank You for lighting my way to these teachings, and for continuing to light our way on this journey!
    So many blessings ?

    1. Thank you! You are different now so you are ready for Me. I am delighted that you can feel Me, as I am with you. Stay close to Me as I have knowings and love coming your way.

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