Wisdom, Power & Love ©

As you consider who you are; know that you are very ancient. I have been working with you for a longtime. Along the way, I have taken great care of you. For you have had many adventures and misadventures. Still, you are here today and growing faster than ever.

It is natural and right that you are ready to work consciously with Me now. Our past relationships were mostly unconscious on your part. They were what you were ready for at that time. So you have arrived here now, perfect for this place, time and teaching.

I love when a plan comes together well. You are together with Me as you read these messages. This means that you have passed many trials successfully. You have a lot to be proud of; as you find yourself looking for and learning about Me.

There are many souls out there, who although they have been through much; have no interest in finding Me. I will not say that they are slow learners but they are still under the command of their egos. I will continue to look after them just as I look after you.

People do not realize how much I do look after them. I have countless Angels and there is a reason for that. They were created to love you regardless of what you do. They must allow everyone to do as they choose. They standby and wait to be the unseen helpers of those who can be helped.

Those who are dark and closed in their hearts must experience the harshness they are creating. But those with a loving and kind heart will find fortuitous events occur for them. That is Me and My Angels in action.

We know that when people are jumbled together on the physical plane; all kinds of things happen. There will always be good souls who are the prey of lower beings. These good souls do not deserve the darkness that befalls them.

The Angels and I are waiting to pull these good souls out of the trouble. We love to act in ways that uplift and support goodness. Sometimes we must stand aside and let lessons that are deserved be received.

There are many Angels among humanity now. Some of them may be physical. Most of them are not. The Angels and I are here strongly. We are making sure that you find your way through the jumble of souls.

There is always a better outcome when Angels are involved. Make sure to call on My Angels. Some of them feel unemployed even though they are ready to serve humanity. They are wise and powerful and full of love. For I created them that way. Just as I created you to be like that.

With all of this wisdom, power and love available here; you can not lose unless you choose to. Cast your doubts aside and reach for Me. Reach for My Angels. We are as real as anything ever was. In fact We are more real than the illusions of humanity.

For humanity is focused on fear and loss right now. I am focused on giving you everything you need to go beyond all of that. As you come to Me, you will find that the illusions fall away. Only You and I remain, filled with wisdom, power and love.

6 thoughts on “Wisdom, Power & Love ©”

  1. Thank you for your messages here. They are enlightening to me and your closeness is felt like a big warm hug. The way forward with you is filling me with Love and excitement!

  2. I didn’t realize that I was ancient…That is so cool! Thank you for taking care of me all along the way ?
    I look forward to each new post with the excitement of a child. I’m happy to be here, in this place, at this time, learning with You and about You…There is so much to learn! (one of those being …patience?)
    Thank you for taking the time to teach us, and how you always know just what to say…

    1. You are making progress. I feel you reaching out to Me. I respond strongly to you. Part of you knows this and that is why you are excited to read My messages. Patience is important, but know that you are coming along well. Your happiness will begin to fill other parts of your life. We are both delighted to be together!

  3. What do you do when you feel your angels have been blocked from you sometimes? I feel like there is opposition from others standing in my way as it can be very challenging. As a dedicated willing soul wanting to do your work, what can I do to work around these barricade?

    1. Always come to Me if you are having any difficulty. My Angels are powerful and committed to all students. Preserve and stay close to Me as the darkness of Earth can be penetrated and cleared by Me and My Angels.

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