Something Else ©

I am coming to you in this new way because you are ready for Me. You need Me badly, even as many believe that I do not exist. Have you noticed that the less people have to do with God the worse things get? It should be noticeable to people that something big is missing in their lives.

I can feel humanity yearning for something. Most do not know what it is. I know that it is Me. Because I am your creator, you are part of Me. If you pretended that you did not have a hand or a leg you would miss it badly. I am everything to you and without Me you would have no body at all.

I want you to explore everything at some point. When you are in the heavens you can feel Me easily and know that I am with you. My presence is a bit more subtle on the third dimension. Now you are exploring an existence that will require you to reach for Me. Those who reach soley for the apparent reality are never fully content. No matter how much one immerses themselves in the physical life, something is missing.

The lures of materiality are ephemeral. The fastest car, the highest cuisine, the most fabulous vacations soon fade away or grow mundane. Why is that? They were so wonderful at the time. What did they lack that caused them to fade? As you consider this truth the answer comes. They lacked Me. “So what,” you say. “They were great at the time. I will search for something else.”

Sooner or later something prevents your ceaseless desire to obtain what is next. Many things can cause that to happen. But happen it will. You are left with yourself. As you examine yourself, you find that something is still missing. That is because you are incomplete without Me. This is a natural event that you need to experience sooner or later.

I have what you are missing. I am that which you are looking for. You thought it was those other things. Now you see that there has to be something else. I am something else. No matter how long you wander, I wait for your return. I sent you out to find something. What you have found is your need for Me. Come home to Me and wallow in My love. For that is the only thing that is going to slack your thirst.

6 thoughts on “Something Else ©”

  1. Thank you for this message as I find it is very true. I have had great experiences and events which were wonderful, but always something felt not quite right – as if something was missing. As I grow and evolve on my spiritual path, I find that You were missing. As I invite You into my life, I find that even the simplest and mundane tasks and events are enhanced and richer. I would not live any other way. You are even more than the cherry on the cake!! LOL
    I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love, grace and blessings!

    1. You are so delightful! I love to be that cherry on your cake and so much more. I am with you always now and I like to do those simple tasks with you. Invite Me to dinner and We will chat. Your grace is abundant as you work with Me. More to come……

  2. This message is so true as I had always felt something was missing in my life as well. There was always a drive to search for the “unknown”; the missing link. For the past ten years, I have experienced fulfilling teachings through your wonderful, enlightened channel and my spiritual teacher. The missing link has been found and I continue for more as I reach and strive for a deeper connection.

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