Choices ©

I have come to you personally with these messages. This is a teaching for all of humanity. Yet I am reaching out to develop a personal relationship with each of you. That may seem impossible to you because of the way you have been taught. However, I did create each soul personally and I still maintain each soul. You are not mass produced copies of each other. I am the greatest artist of all time and each one of you is a masterpiece.

Every one of you is different. For I love diversity. I love to express all of the talents and capabilities that I have. I express them through you. For as you know; I am you and you are a part of Me. As you seek to know and develop yourself, you are going to find Me. It is natural that We have a personal relationship with each other.

Within Me you will find yourself. You will find all of the potential that I have embued you with. That potential is very large and it is waiting for you to discover it. I created you to be unlimited, as I would not limit Myself. I have brought you along very carefully. You may not see that from your vantage point on Earth. It will be easier to see that and more from the higher dimensions.

I can and will be everything to you. That will come as We explore our personal relationship. One of the things that you learn on Earth is that you need to stay close to Me. The third dimension is challenging. It is very challenging on Earth right now. Everyone who is embodied on Earth is here to learn a great deal. The times that you are in now are moving faster and faster. It allows you to have multiple lifetimes in one body.

As the challenges arise all around you, I can guide you through them perfectly. There is nothing that I can not do flawlessly. You will learn all those things that you came here to study, as you work with Me. For I did not send you here to fail. There is so much that is hidden it is hard to make good choices. I can see through all things, so I will give you wisdom.

Still, you can do all of this life on your own if you wish. I honor your free will always. My love, comfort and wisdom will never be pushed or forced on you. You must reach out to Me. In that way, those who are not ready for Me will not be kept from their creations. Souls can create what they will. I will be glad to guide you to the finest creations. The alternative is always there. Life is a series of choices. I am the finest choice you can make.

9 thoughts on “Choices ©”

  1. It is so lovely to hear You say, “It is natural that We have a personal relationship with each other.”

    1. Who is closer to you than Me? It may seem like others are. But I have known you since the beginning. You are part of Me and I love to be close to you. I will warm your heart with mine. Then We will remember the love that has always been ours. It is lovely to be Us.

    2. To Me it would un-natural to have an impersonal relationship with you. You are so bright, loving and creative that I can not be too close to you! Those who are ready to reach out to Me will find that I am extending my grace and love to them.

  2. I feel your light strongly when I reach out to You…I feel especially close to You when I read Your words…It’s a beautiful gift…Thank You ?

    1. I feel your love and accept your gift to Me. We will continue to love each other and grow into a lovely future together. You are ready for this.

  3. Thank you for Your message. I am blessed and very grateful for this connection to You. I love feeling Your love in my heart when I call to You, especially in these times.

    I have noticed that time really flies. I noticed that some parts of my life seem belong to a different person. I did feel like I had a few lifetimes within this current one.

    1. I am glad that you can feel My love. When you are busy and focused on worldly things know that My love remains with you. The lessons that you are learning now bring the spiritual and physical worlds together. You need balance as you have a foot in each one!

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