Summer Solstice Message ©

Today is the Summer Solstice. My Elohim of the Sun are blessing you today with great light. This is a day of ancient ceremonies of light. As all light proceeds from Me, it is a celebration of the light that I send. For the sunlight is strong and close to you today.

Everything that I create is made with light. As light is precipitated down in form, it creates lovely things. It also nourishes those things that are created by it. It is easy to see this in the life of plants. They give a view of light’s nourishing action. You can watch the flowers as they turn their faces to follow the Sun. In their own way they pay homage to Me.

Ancient people also paid homage to Me on this Solstice day. For they knew things that escape modern humans. They had the time to reach out to Me and I answered them. They could feel My love even then. They got knowings about their importance to Me too. Some of you were them and you have been looking for Me ever since.

I am still here and so is My light. The Sun Beings still give you the love and grace that the light brings. You are still here and are still looking for Me. Many cycles have passed, but this one remains the same. You are the ancient priestesses and priests that gathered flowers and shells to offer to Me. I loved your gifts then.

Today I ask for another gift from you. Give Me a gift of love from your heart. That is what I have come here seeking. For as you give Me that, then I know that You and I will be together joyfully, as the journey of becoming and exploring who We are continues.

4 thoughts on “Summer Solstice Message ©”

  1. Thank you for this wonderful heartfelt summer solstice message. Even though it is a overcast day, I can feel the strong light, energy, and love that you are pouring forth to all of us on Mother Earth. I now know why I love to gather flowers, even the smallest, and shells. As an offering of love to you. I hold many stones, shells, and flowers from my journey’s that I treasured as a remembrance to those places. I send you my love with a grateful heart.

    1. As I created all of those shells and flowers, I knew that many would see the beauty and perfection within them. Those are there to remind you of the beauty and perfection that you are. Let yourself shine forth with all of the that wondrous perfection. Through you, others will see and find Me.

  2. A few of us went to the beach to watch the stars fade out, & had a wonderful meditation before the Sunrise. We paid homage to You, & Your Elohim and to Your beautiful light from our great Sun…I felt You (& still do) so much love in my heart ?
    And so many Angels… The energy was amazing!
    So we too, Celebrate the Summer Solstice!
    Thank You for joining us ?

    1. Thank you for joining Me today. You felt My light and love but you also felt the beautiful beings that help Me create the Sun. The Elohim are a blessing to us all. They are delighted to feel your love and appreciation. As you love Me, they feel that. You enhance them as you appreciate the Sun. Today We all celebrate the loving light!

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