Unlimited ©

I have been coming to you on this blog for six months now. During that time I have been able to develop a lovely relationship with some of you. I know that this has changed your life, in some cases. That is my intention. There are so many difficult things to deal with here; you need someone wonderful, steadfast and loving to look forward to.

Many of you thought that you would find that kind of someone. For the most part, it has not worked out for many. That is because what you are looking for is a rare thing. You can not find that in a lasting way with hardly anyone. You have felt like a fool or a failure because of that. Many are resigned to being without that special relationship because they have never met Me.

I have the most special relationship that you could ever find. In fact, our relationship will grow into something that is beyond your expectations and imagination. It will take quite awhile for that to arrive, but it will. In the meantime you need to consider Me as best you can, from your earthly platform. I can be all that you need, even in this lifetime.

As we grow through the future together, You and I are going to expand our ideas about everything. That is natural and exciting. As we do that, then our relationship will expand and evolve. This is going to be BIG! For We have the whole Universe and an eternal expanse of time to explore. There is no limit to what We will be or do together.

Are you saving for your retirement? I have no plans to retire. You will find that you are too busy exploring everything with Me to retire. We will not grow old together. We will grow unlimited together. I already know about being unlimited. Come with Me and I will show you how it is done. Smile!

2 thoughts on “Unlimited ©”

  1. You are my diamond in the rough. I am so looking forward to our unlimited future together. It is going to be out of this world! Grinning 🙂

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