Exploring With You ©

The potential of humanity is great. It has been barely tapped into. Legends abound regarding the accomplishments of individuals. Some of these very great achievers were connected to Me closely. They did not even have to know about that. They were following their own inner guidance which was unknowingly connected to Me.

I do this at times to show you what is possible. I can come in through a person who has the talents that are needed for the work. It does not matter whether they know of Me or not. They will still lead humanity into higher behavior and acheive a new greatness. This opens the way for others to follow. The followers do not have to find the greatness that the wayshower demonstrated. They will start a trend that humanity needs to explore.

Much of what is trendy today is not so good. It is mired in the egoistical weakness of those who would be blindly lead. I have come here to create something better than what the current trends are showing you. First I want people to realize that they can consciously connect to Me and the brilliant guidance that I offer.

I am not going to charge $19.95 for it either. My guidance is free but it carries the price of dedication to higher personal behavior. That price is way too high for many people. There is no credit card that can cover that fee. The payoff for you is endless and timeless.

Let us begin the work of recreating you and your life. Connect to Me by reaching out to Me. Feel My love and know that it is filled with ability and information that you can use. Bring My light into you deeply. As the connection deepens We are on our way to your best future. It is My best future too. For I will not fade like a worn out trend that has lost it’s following. I am solid, eternal and full of loving potential. I give this to you freely as We explore You and I.

6 thoughts on “Exploring With You ©”

  1. As I seek to reinvent myself again, I am delighted with your offer of connection & guidance to unleash my undiscovered talents. I choose to use your love, abilities and information to help me be a brighter light in this world. I want to make a difference.

    1. It is always profitable to reinvent oneself. It will help you find the talents you have overlooked. It will also help you find the challenges that you still need to overcome. I will be there with you, as I have some ideas to send your way. Who knows what potential lies within your sweet heart and mind?

  2. As each new day arrives, I feel the very essence of my life recreating into something more wonderful. The love we share is unspeakable. I look forward to new talents that are unlimited and achieve a greater outcome for myself and humanity.

    1. You will find that humanity has it’s ups and downs. Great and terrible things happen all the time. Remain unshakable as you feel My love within. Let all things come and go as We continue forward to our greatest good. Do not believe everything you hear, especially if it causes you to fly into fear and anger. Look for My guidance first; then you will know.

  3. I also feel like a snake shedding many skins these days. I find myself constantly saying. “Thy will be done, not mine”. I know you will show me the way!

    1. I am delighted with your new outlook! It took a lot of work for you to join your will with mine. Now that you have declared that, you can make faster progress. Did you notice how much easier some things have become? Still, you will find that My will can be challenging. I will give you knowings that may pinch your ego sometimes. Continue shedding and I will be close by, sweeping up.

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