Inspiration ©

One of the talents of humanity is their ability to copy what others do. This can be good or bad according to how the person uses it. For those who would like to change themselves for the better; this ability can help You.

You can pattern your behavior after those whom you admire. You can read about very fine people and adapt some of their traits to your life. You can make better choices if you ask yourself what so and so would do in this case. You may have done this in the past. It is a valuable tool to change to higher behavior and better choices can be made.

Now that you have connected to Me through your heart, You are close to My wisdom and positive energy. You may not be able to hear My words yet, but there is no better time to begin to tune into Me for guidance.

When you think of a choice or action You want to take, think of Me. Ask yourself, “what would God do?” Pretend that you are Me; overlooking the situation. Be unlimited and try to see it from My perspective. You don’t know what that is, but use your imagination. For as you imagine Me, I can approach closer to you.

Reach out for the guidance, knowings and energy that you can be sure I am sending You. In no time at all, some very fine inspiration will come to You. Take that inspiration and act on it. Use it for the good of everyone. Let it make a difference for you and others.

Now you are becoming Godly in your activities. You are bringing Me right into your life and onto Planet Earth. You are becoming the bright light of inspiration that I have always meant you to be. At the same time you are changing in a positive way. For it is not just what a person says that makes who they are. It is what You think and do that really defines your soul. It is time that You let My inspiration show You who You really are.

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