Revelations ©

Civilizations come and go as you know. But if they go, it is because they have served their purpose. Some think of it as failing and in some cases this is true. Still even a failed civilization has taught many souls something of value. I never see them as failures. I know that great lessons were learned.

There is always the potential for any civilization to fail. None are immune to the rot that can set in when healthy lifestyles give way to greed, sloth and deceit. We see that happening now in many parts of the populations of Earth. This is a tough place and for many it is going to get tougher. It is important now that You hold on to your values.

If you keep high standards for yourself you will do much better than most. You will not get pulled into the troubles that many are creating for themselves. It is not necessary that You be rich, well connected and up to date with the latest trends. It is better if you are loving, honest and aware of the truth of things. Being close to Me is the best preparation there is.

After the dust settles people will see the mistakes that were made. There is always a time when debts are collected and karma is paid. If You have been all that you should be, You will find that You do very well. You will be respected, looked up to and your good karma will help You even as others fall. It has always been this way; as surely as the sunrises that will come.

Allow yourself to stay apart from the masses. Common knowledge may not amount to much. For negative beliefs are everywhere. I am not negative. Everything that I do is positive. That makes the Universe shine on eternally. You can be the same as I am. I created You with that potential. Be positive and know that I have the big picture of who You are becoming.

You and I are becoming something that will delight us. I am delighted right now. No matter what transpires I know that We remain together. We are finding what We set out to discover. As it reveals itself, We will cry out; “it was there waiting for us in all of it’s glory, just waiting till the time was right.” Revelations come and revelations go. You and I will delight each other eternally!

4 thoughts on “Revelations ©”

  1. Thank you for your message. I love your comments about common knowledge. Many accept things unquestioningly because they are “common knowledge”, without knowing where or from whom this information is derived. Much of it doesn’t make sense when you really think about it. So, we need to really think about it! Discernment is really needed to navigate through the current culture to find the truth.

    1. The current culture is lost in many ways. They have not searched for their own truth and believe shallow and ridiculous things. You are a wise seeker who will find higher truth and the greater knowledge. I will give you knowings and tips to guide you. We shall have fun too!

  2. I Welcome your guidance. Striving for the truth in things, It feels like I am closer to you. Being able to understand that the truth is what sets us free to journey with you. The power of truth is another great gift for humanity from you. Thank You

    1. The power of truth is great and it will always find a way to show itself. I am truth so it is carrying My power. As you go within and consult with Me, the truth awaits you. I am the expert that you need. Yes, you are becoming close to Me and I am delighted!

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