Divine Love ©

As time goes on, I hope that You will get closer and closer to Me. This will enhance every aspect of your life. When that happens You will want to tell others about Me and our relationship. Some people will be open to the idea but many others will not.

Be sure of whom You are talking to about Me. You do not need to attempt to convince the doubters and the naysayers. For they will never be convinced and they will show distain for your words of wisdom. You do not need the self doubt and even ridicule that they will try to impose upon You.

Everyone comes to Me in their own time. You can not hurry that up and neither can I. People may do that themselves when things in their lives become painful and frightening. Then the searching begins. You know about that as You were searching before you found Me.

As I have promised, I will give You knowings. You may get a knowing to speak about Me to a certain person. Before You speak, just connect to Me in your heart. You will find My words flowing from your heart and out to the person. If their reaction is positive, We will speak about Me a little more. Sometimes it is best to let it go at that point.

You may hear from them later. Always be loving and never be pushy. Then you are like Me. I will send a thread of love out to the person You spoke to. If they are ready for Me then they will begin the quest. As You know, I am right here waiting for them, just as I was waiting for You.

Those who preach and beg others to change are wasting everyone’s time. Your valuable time is better spent working with Me. Those who are seeking are going to notice Me within You. They will not realize it, though they will be drawn to You. I will give them an urge to talk to You.

In some way those who are ready find Me. Those who miss opportunities were not ready for Me anyway. They still need the school of life to prepare them further. That is fine for you can not put preschoolers in collage curriculums.

My love will find everyone someday. For now know that everything and everyone is proceeding as it should. You and I will help those that we can, as our loving hearts call out to those who are looking for divine love. That is the priceless gem that I offer freely to all.

2 thoughts on “Divine Love ©”

  1. In this message I feel your loving embrace. I can take comfort that when the time is right we will share with others the news of our relationship together, when they are ready. Meanwhile, I will continue to grow and experience our relationship. I am filled with Joy! (:

    1. The love is flowing much more freely between us. Still, you need to continue to heal your heart of the loses you have suffered. As you do that, you will be able to accept more of My love. My love is helping you with this healing too. As the love continues to flow between us, you will find even more joy!

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