Destiny ©

I hope that You are enjoying this summertime. It is a time to play and visit and have fun. It is also a time for reflection. For as time is flying, you often get little chance for that. The higher dimensions are gently opened for you when you meditate.

Realize that that the experiences of the third dimension are only a small part of existence. As long as you stay focused on the physical plane, you lock yourself out of a great deal. For instance, if you would get to know Me then you must reach out to Me. In order to advance our relationship, meditation is necessary.

It does not have to be long and hard or arduous in any way. It is just a change of focus. You know that whatever you concentrate on you experience more of. Many humans are concentrating on the TV and Internet. As they do that their world will become what someone else thinks.

When you concentrate on Me, I have unlimited things to show you. I will show you what you are ready to learn next. It will always be something expansive, loving and wise. I will give you a view of realities that lie in your future. At the same time, I will help you understand your present reality perfectly.

See Me as your mentor. See Me as your confidant. See Me as your parent if you like. I can fill any position that is loving and helpful. I have miles of wisdom. I am more enchanting than a vacation to a far off place.

As you get to know Me you will see that I am right here, right now. You will see that I have always been with You. You will see Me in the little thoughts and actions of your day. I fill the nooks and crannies of an enlightened mind. Still, that mind is free and full of ideas and creativity. That is the mind of the Master.

One day You will become a Master. You are heading in that direction now. I am leading you toward it even though you are unaware of that. I do not care what you become a Master of. I know it will be your destiny. It is My destiny too as We are one.

2 thoughts on “Destiny ©”

  1. A summer vacation of relaxing enlightenment! Becoming masterful using this delightful process takes a lot of the stress away. Thank you For this insight!

    1. You are welcome. I am full of insight that will clear your stress away. We can vacation together. You won’t have to cook for Me! Let’s relax together…..

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