Unveiling ©

It has been a long time since I have talked to you like this. In the ancient days it was not so unusual. Then the troubles came and humanity fell greatly in frequency. They could not hear Me and were not interested in Me so much. My place was filled by the teachings of strong men. They taught a version of God that enforced their power and standing.

All of that is falling away as there are many souls here now. Some of them are ready to consider Me and they have the interest and frequency to do that. Of course I have never left here and I have been impulsing you to search for Me. I have always done that for those who had the ability and interest to seek Me. There has been a thread of knowledge and love for those sincere seekers.

Many people were sidetracked from knowing Me by those who taught that I was unattainable. That still goes on today. There are many staunch religionists who will never believe the teachings I have brought in here for you. They are well meaning but they are still believing the teachings of those who came to control you.

I am beyond control. So are You; if you develop your potential. I carefully created everything this way. I want You to be the wild card that trumps the hands and thus the plans of those who would control people. There is a freedom of the mind that comes with My messages. That freedom will lead to freedom in thought and thus action.

With My light you will see everything in a more unlimited way.

I have just the knowings that you need. Those knowings will unveil everything that you need to see. The emperors may indeed be naked. It will not be a pretty sight at times. Especially when you find that your own mask is slipping. The Divine Light exposes the beautiful and the ugly.

Be brave, be strong, be smart. Most of all; be with Me. I am loving, wise and generous. I am here for You. I am revealing Myself without fear. I will show You everything you are ready to see. You and I will look clearly on the truth of all things.

4 thoughts on “Unveiling ©”

    1. I am speaking to your heart throughout the day. Tune into your heart and you will feel Me there. The guidance and love are there waiting for you to open to them. Thank you for I am delighted!

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