Change ©

It is doubtful that humanity will follow My guidance. They are in a period of great change. They are concentrating on the technology and vices that lure them into forgetting who they are. Most of them would like to leave behind the natural world and concentrate on the artificial. After all, it is seemingly easier to control and manipulate an artificial creation.

There is a structure that underlies all things. I created that and it is immutable. Artificial creations ape My creations but they have no real substance. They arise from the structure that I have created but they are not organically sound. Like all temporary creations they lack the energy and the brilliance that would make them lasting. They do not have the resilience and intelligence that life force brings.

I am the one who enlivens all things. People can manipulate life and even play around with genetics, but I am the one who is the creator of life. Anything that does not carry My life force is artificial and will soon fade. Even the living organisms change, grow, reproduce and age. It is the life force that I give that determines that.

So humanity is changing now as they play with some of the building blocks in the play pen of Earth. They fancy that they are perhaps little gods or scientists. They feel that they can learn how to be Me. They are not sure I am real. It is fun to pretend that one can figure out everything and become the god of a place.

As humanity explores things they will find that there is a certain something that is not quite obtainable. That something is the miracle of life that I bring. They have been looking hard for the formula but it will always elude them. Of course they are looking for Me. They don’t want to face that. My secrets are not available to just anyone.

You have found Me now and the light and life force that I am is becoming more apparent to you. You can feel Me. You can understand more about reality than ever before as I enlighten your mind. You are changing now. You are on the fast track with Me. The others are changing too but they are getting in their own way.

You will leave them behind as you find that the answers lie within your own soul. Where else would they be? For that is where I am.

8 thoughts on “Change ©”

  1. I always knew You were here, but it’s different now. I have found You, and I see & feel You in everything. It’s like looking at the world with new eyes…
    You’ve given us so many blessings. I am grateful and humbled, yet excited and ready for more! Thank You for your beautiful words, as always ?

    1. You are describing your relationship with Me. It does bring greater awareness and new insight. As you stay close to Me, more will come and greater knowledge will be given. Don’t expect others to understand it though. It has to be experienced. I can’t wait to share all of that and My love with you!

  2. Your messages fill me with a joyous overflow of emotion. I rejoice that I know You and I are one
    in this new and changing reality your words are showing me. I am so very grateful !

    1. You will always know Me by the joy. I spark that from deep within you. There is a part of You that knows Me unconsciously. As you change we rejoice together.

  3. I am grateful for our relationship as the true reality is unfolded more so each and every day. It is like stepping stones into an awesome journey ahead as we advance our stride forward. I see your presence even in the smallest of your creations. Your love is deeper than any other.

    1. As My presence within you grows, you see it within other creations. As you recognize Me, know that you are seeing yourself also. We are one and your comment is full of love. I am delighted to experience our closeness.

      1. Thank you so much for the golden nugget of knowledge of seeing myself within all things as well. A new enlightening thought process to work with and it is so true. ♡♡♡

        1. This is the path of enlightenment. More realizations will come. It will be difficult to hold onto this knowledge when you are faced with adversity. That is the time when it is important that you remember who You are and who I am. Thank you for sharing this insight!

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