Good Leaders ©

Humanity is always learning something new. I vary the lessons to keep them growing. Even though people come and go, you return for another lesson. For that is what lifetimes are. You must begin to see things from a greater view. I have countless lessons that souls must learn.

Some people think that they know everything. You know the type. They are the ones who like to run things; even if on a small scale. You can be sure that people who “know best,” are the ones who have the most to learn. They are the ones who oftentimes run things; as they push themselves forward into positions of “leadership.” These kinds of leaders are learning as they go and are often mistaken.

It takes a long time and many trials for souls to develope wisdom. For the most part, the leadership on Earth has very little of that. What they do have is a gang of power brokers whom they must heed. These powerful gangs are running countries lead by those who are brash and egotistical. This is a sure formula for trouble. Thus the lessons are often harsh.

As you can see, this is a great place for very severe lessons and learning the hard way. I do not desire that people learn the hard way. Moderation and wisdom can teach people perfectly. If you have good leadership, you will learn goodness from that. If you have bad leadership, you can learn goodness from that, the hard way. As I have taught you; goodness knows. Goodness should be your guide.

Support the goodness in each other and in yourself. Reach for your own goodness constantly. You will change for the better and it will rub off on other people. Be the good example that you wish your leaders were. You will be setting the stage for positive change. As I have said, change is coming. I want you to be the positive leader of the future.

Your domain may be tiny. Still, it is there and you are the one in charge of it. Together You and I can grow goodness and wisdom there. Your personal kingdom on Earth will be loving and wise. Let the others do as they will. You and I will do as we desire. Our domain will be run by the finest leadership.

4 thoughts on “Good Leaders ©”

  1. I see the truth in your words, I know that goodness and leadership in my home begins with me. I am comforted knowing you are here with me and our relationship will grow and continue to evolve. With goodness as the guide our little domain is a sanctuary. I am grateful you are in my life!

    1. Thank you for these fine words. You can feel that I am close to you. Your sanctuary is a blessing for many who will never enter there. Even so the light, grace and love will flow out to them in ways that none of you know. The goodness will find it’s way to others who will keep it going onward.

      1. I enjoy reading your comments to others as I get knowledge from them as well. Thank you for the reminder that even though we may not see our light work appear to be doing anything , it is being flowing out to others. We lead by example. Our personal sanctuary is definitely a blessing and sacred space.

        1. The light and love that you are does make a difference for many. Can you prove this? Sometimes you will get knowings and some people will thank you for things that you never realized were helpful. The good that you do will come back to you too. Always I know the difference that you make!

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