Loveliness ©

Today is a wonderful day. It is wonderful for Me and it can be wonderful for you too. It does not matter what others experience. In their own way they have created that experience. People get riled up when they are told this. They say that they would never create or choose the situation that they are experiencing. Yet they have indeed chosen it with their thoughts or actions.

I am a great creator. You are learning to grow into My light and ability. You may not have thought about this but it is your purpose. You may not care to be like Me. But if you grow towards developing higher light and abilities that is what you are moving toward. You will never be a replica of Me. We are always going to be something else. You are a portion of what I am, as I am all things. As you grow, so do I.

It is lovely being Me. It should be lovely being you. To find loveliness you need to concentrate on what defines that. Is it something that you see, feel or know? What loveliness would you create for yourself or others? To create something lovely requires a very fine light and intention. You can have all of that that you need. I offer it to you freely and lovingly.

It is up to you to pick and choose among all that is out there. Pick those things that create loveliness. As you have gathered, love is involved with creating loveliness. Everything that you concentrate on must have the energy of love within it. If it does not, then you are not going to experience loveliness. As you concentrate on things, you are drawing them into your experience. If you concentrate on love then you actually draw it into yourself. Your body, mind and spirit will draw that energy into it automatically.

This happens with things that are not lovely also. You absorb whatever you are interacting with. If someone calls your attention to the low and ugly events and activities of life, they are immersing both of you in low, dark energy. They are slinging mud and worse upon you. You would not allow that to happen if the mud was physical. Know that the mud can be non-physical too.

Creating loveliness instead of lovelessness is your goal. Everything is finer when it has the love energy within it. Love can be consciously placed within everything. That is what I do. That is how you came to be.

Now You and I must create the next lovely thing that We want.

I know that We can do this and it will be lovely!

6 thoughts on “Loveliness ©”

  1. This was the lovely inspiration that I was looking for today! Your message made me feel that I was on the right track. More love.

    1. Stay on the love track. I am the engineer of that train. One day We will arrive at a Heavenly destination!

  2. Now that was quite lovely! Each and every day is wonderful with you as we work as one radiating our love to all. ♡♡♡

    1. You will have some days that may be very tough. This is the way of humanity at this time. When they happen remember that I am here and my love is here reaching out for you to accept it.

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