Core Values ©

Everything on Earth seems to be changing constantly. Earth is reflecting the changes and upheaval within humanity. You never get a chance to adjust to the new circumstances before changes come again. This teaches you to be flexible.

At the same time, it is necessary that your core values are stable and strong. That will help you deal with the unsettled energies that surround you. As others act out from fear and anger, you will be able to remain strong and focused on higher behavior. It is easy to be lead into making mistakes if you forget your core values.

You know what is right and wrong. Others may try to convince you that you are old fashioned and stupid. There is nothing stupid about honesty and integrity. You will do much better when you hold onto those values. No matter what goes on, you can feel good about who you are and what you have done. That will bring you the good karma that will create a fine future for yourself.

Do not hesitate to speak out for the higher values and virtues. Without them a person becomes vulnerable to those who would exploit them. Morality protects those who practice it. It is the easiest way to deal with the wiles and schemes of the mislead.

You are not mislead; as you are looking for Me. I knew that you would be, so here I am. I have waited for this time so that We could reunite. We have always been together of course, but your focus was elsewhere. Know that I Am what is real. It is the dark confusion that is the illusion.

There is nothing but love and light where You and I reign.

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