Our Power ©

Know that My power is relentless. That word could have been created to describe Me. I never stop My work. My power is beyond anything you can imagine. It is guided by brilliance and love. I never cease the creation of all things. Power lies behind the entire Universe. It is the power of all that is.

I like to share My power with those who are ready for it. I share it constantly with My Angels. They are more powerful than you know. You will learn more about them as you do My work. Doing My work will always bring power to you. I do not expect you to struggle on your own.

I like it when you ask Me for power. I know that My power is positive and you will do fine things with it. I like to see you spread it far and wide to create positive change. You may not be able to imagine doing that right now. As you gain more knowledge and energy from our relationship, these things will occur naturally.

For as you get closer to Me, you become more like Me. You will be able to do much greater things than you can do now. Still, you are ready to begin to change your life for the better. Your life may already be going well, but My light will show you how to improve it. Together We shall build You and your life into something finer.

It is the power of God that will do this. It will be easier than you think. It will also fill you with satisfaction and self worth. You will see that your new way of creating fulfills you. It also shows you a greater goal and a grander plan. My power will become yours as you create the grander plan. I do not worry about you abusing the power. Many do that already. The power of God will guide you to right action.

Begin to consider Me and My power. Begin to accept that I am offering you some of it. Open to the partnership that is waiting for us. Do not fear Me and do not fear the power. For You and I are guided by love.

4 thoughts on “Our Power ©”

  1. I can feel the “POWER” in the written words. Working with your angels, does enhance our work as I can attest to that. Thank you for this wonderful timely message.

    1. It is time to reach to Me for power. The dark will try to disempower you. I always give you what you need at the time, if you ask. You will find that I have all the power you need and it is ready and waiting for you to call it to yourself.

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