Sailing ©

Humanity is stuck in the doldrums. They are like a sailing ship that has lost the wind in it’s sails. They are unable to follow their set course. They drift around looking for the energy that will move them along. Just like a sailing ship, they often find themselves being pushed into a direction that does not serve them.

People can find themselves in strange places, doing things that they never intended. When they set out to explore their world there seemed to be endless potential. Somehow that potential slipped away and they are left with something much less. They hope that the tide will change or the wind will pickup and send them flying into something new and better.

One great thing about being God is that I have all of the energy. I have told you that I will share it with you. It lies in front of you, waiting for you to pick it up and use it for something good. You must reach out and take the energy and bring it to yourself. Concentrate on Me and breathe in My light and strength. The light is filled with love and you will feel My deep support. Breathe the energy right into your heart. Let it fill your mind and flow out into your entire body. It is a simple thing to do.

As you fill yourself with My light, you will find your strength growing. Ideas and knowings will come with the intelligent energy I give you. I know exactly what you need and what you need to know. My guidance is clear and easily followed. It will expand as you follow it. More knowledge is given as you work with Me. There will be options and choices, as I am not a dictator. I know that you will learn from every action you take. I will show you the optimal action every time.

As You and I work together, your potential returns. It expands and fills your horizons with countless possibilities. The wind returns to your sails and the light of My sun shows you which way to go. We are now on the best possible course to your brilliant future.

5 thoughts on “Sailing ©”

  1. Thank you for your wonderful message. Your energy and guidance are felt strongly and are exactly what we need to reach for, especially now. Too many are crossing their fingers and hoping for the best as they go head first into situations. Others are frozen with fear and unable to go in any direction.

    1. You are a spiritual “first responder.” You are always working to send enlightenment to humanity. You are a blessing to Me and to humanity. You and I will go head first into a future of light!

  2. I feel your energy and power within this powerful message. It is so simple; if only humanity would apply it to themselves it would be a far different world and experience for them. I am grateful that I live in your light & love and experiencing this wonderful journey we are experiencing together.

    1. Do not worry about humanity. They will find Me in their own way, when they are ready. You and I are finding each other now. There is a lot of Me to discover. As you find more of yourself, you will come to know more of me. The love and the journey are eternal.

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