The Higher Self ©️

I want you to begin to think of yourself in a more expansive way.   You have been taught to believe that you are pretty limited.  You have also been taught that unless you have the right education, you will not be successful or wise.  Those ideas of success are not the ones that will truly guide you.

You can not find much wisdom in the educational system.  Wisdom comes from living consciously.  Those who are unconscious learn little of wisdom, even as they go through many events.  As you tune into who you are, you will find many good things.  I have made you with the finest light.  You are an undiscovered gem of great talent and potential.

You have everything that you need for your success.  What you have not developed will evolve as you grow.  I put everything within you and forgot nothing.  You are part of Me.  You can not experience that so much right now.  If you have faith in Us, then you are on your way to finding You and I.  We are both waiting for the discovery that lies ahead.

There is a portion of you that beckons to you from the future.  It draws you onward to greater achievement.  That portion of you that resides in the future knows that you succeed.  It would not be the great being that it is otherwise.

That future self will draw you toward it.  It will give you guidance and ideas.  It is the Higher Self who has discovered Me.  We are both sending you the power to move farther, faster.  We are sending you the light and grace that you are open to receiving.  The more that you reach to us, the more of that light and grace you will pull in to the present.

 Throw your heart and mind out to that future self.  It will answer you with love and wisdom.

So You and I are together in the future.  

We can reach back to you in the present and invite you to begin the fast track to us.  We know that you can feel us.  We know that you are ready for us.  We know that you want this new way of being.

 The time is now and We are here!

2 thoughts on “The Higher Self ©️”

  1. I love when I know, really know You are in my heart…It is so wonderful…
    I have been enjoying connecting with my Higher self a lot lately. ..I find it very peaceful…
    So much to say….ah, well…
    Thank You for your wisdom, Your beautiful words, and mostly for Your Love ?

    1. I am always within you and not just in your heart. I am in your mind as you will find when the knowings I send come to you. Keep working with your Higher Self and you will find Me there too. We have plenty of love and guidance coming your way.

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